Body Parts

You may use sign language if this sense doesn't work. I use it when a siren sounds or a baby laughs. I use my ears when I am doing this. What sense is this?


What is the black in the middle of your eye called?


What is a biography?

A real or true story about a person's life written by someone else.


Is a cup of water remarkable? Why or why not?

No, because it is ordinary and not amazing.


Tell me the senses you use in this scenario:

You are sitting in McDonalds eating a hamburger and fries.

Sample Answers:

Sight - You see the people, the food, the building, etc.

Smell - You smell the food

Hearing - You hear the workers ask you your order, call your name/number

Taste - You taste the yummy food

Touch - You feel the chair, table, food


If this sight doesn't work, you may use braille. I use it when there is a rainbow or a fireworks show. I use my eyes for this. What sense is this? 



What is the blue part of my eye called?

Iris (can be a variety of colors)

What two senses did Helen Keller not have?

sight and hearing (She was blind and deaf.)


Could a fire harm you? Why or why not?

Yes, because it could hurt you.


Tell me the senses you use in this scenario:

You are watching TV.

Sight - You see the TV and the show

Hearing - You hear the words they say, noises it makes

Touch - (maybe) you feel the couch you're sitting on and the blanket you're using

No: smell, taste


A boa constrictor uses its tongue to do this. I do it when someone is baking cookies or popping popcorn. I use my nose to do this. What sense it this?



Where in your body can you find saliva?

Your mouth - helps you swallow food when you eat

What is this called: a special language in which a person uses only their hands and fingers to make signs for letters and words? (Hint: It is used by those who are deaf.)

sign language 


Can a seat belt protect you? Why or why not?

Yes, your seat belt keeps you safe in the car.


Tell me the senses you use in this scenario:

The fire alarm goes off in school.

Hearing - You hear the fire alarm.

Sight - You see the flashing lights.

Smell - (maybe) You smell the smoke.

No: touch, taste


A puppy or kitten does this with its whiskers. I use it on a velvety blanket or some ice cold snow. I use my hands to do this. What sense is this?



Describe the scent of a flower.

Scent = how something smells 

good, sweet, like perfume 


What is Braille? Who uses it?

A special kind of writing that uses raised dots on the page. The blind use it to read.


Is a table invisible? Why or why not?

No, because you can see it.


Tell me the senses you use in this scenario:

You are riding to school in your car.

Sight - You see your family in the car, see the sights out the window

Hearing - You hear the car, noises from the road, talking/music in the car

Touch - You feel the seat, seat belt, etc.

Smell - (maybe) You smell a skunk outside your window, smell the snack you're eating

Taste - (maybe) You're eating a snack in the car


It can be bitter, sweet, sour, or salty. I do it when I lick an ice cream cone and eat my lunch. I use my tongue to do this. What sense is this?



What does your eardrum do?

Vibrates when it hears sounds waves 

Even though Ray Charles was blind, what was he able to do?
He became a famous musician (piano player) and singer & met a few presidents

What is the texture of the carpet?

soft, squishy, kind of rough, etc. 


Tell me the senses you use in this scenario:

You're playing on the playground.

Sight - You see everyone playing.

Hearing - You hear people talking, screaming, having fun

Touch - You feel the heat of the sun, the cool wind, the bouncy ground, holding your friend's hand, etc.

No: smell, taste