People in Ed
Historical Facts in Ed
Current Initiatives in Ed
"Reform" Terms in Ed
Bloomington Tidbits

Became the U.S. Education Secretary after spending decades as an advocate for school choice and alternatives to traditional public schools, including those that use public money for private education. 

Who is Betsy DeVos?

"A toast-  Bye-bye Betsy"


The first public school was established in this city on April 23, 1635. 

What is Boston, MA?

(Boston Latin School, a boys-only public secondary school was led by schoolmaster Philemon Pormont, a Puritan settler)


A curriculum to teach critical social competencies necessary for academic and life success such as: resiliency, self-management, and responsible decision-making skills. 

What is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum (CASSEL, 1997)


The main theme "reformers" tout to support the charter school and voucher movement. 

What is school choice?


The local gray stone produced in Bloomington and the surrounding area in southern Indiana.

What is limestone?


Won a surprising election in Indiana to become the Superintendent of Public Instruction squelching Republican Tony Bennett in 2012.

Who is Glenda Ritz?  



1954 Supreme Court case in which the justices ruled unanimously that racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional.

What is Brown vs. The Board of Education?


When small groups of educators meet regularly to share expertise and work collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students.

What Professional Learning Community (PLC)?


Decade when the first charter school opened?

What is the 90s?

(St Paul, MN) City Academy became the nation's first charter school in 1992. Its founders were convinced troubled students would thrive in a small school with rigorous instruction and caring teachers.  


The name of the famous movie filmed in Bloomington by Peter Yates in 1979.

What is Breaking Away?


The U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education under George H.W.Bush who later turned again her own conservative ideas for fixing America’s education and became one of the most outspoken critics of the ideas she championed, such high stakes testing.  

Who is Diana Ravitch?

"Make a toast"


Federal legislation signed by Gerald Ford in 1975 that allowed a free appropriate public education to children with disabilities. 

What is the Education for All Handicapped Children's Act (PL 94-142) or Individuals w/ Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 


A curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific content areas using an interdisciplinary and applied approach with the focus on better preparing students to enter the workforce with technical, high demand skills. 

What is STEM? 


These allow parents to withdraw their children from public district or charter schools and receive a deposit of public funds into government-authorized accounts with restricted, but multiple, uses.

What are Education Savings Accounts?


Beloved a capella choir who got its start at Indiana University.

Who is Straight No Chaser?


The US Secretary of Education who embraced the "Race to the Top Fund".

Who is Arne Duncan?

"Shake your head"


Federal legislative act under ESEA in 2001 focused on Testing, Benchmarks, Adequate Yearly Progress, Accountability, and School Report Cards. 

What is No Child Left Behind (NCLB)?

Say "Boo"


Term now used for the responsible use of computers, the Internet, and digital devices by students to engage with curriculum and members of their class. 

What is Digital citizenship?


Independently run public schools made possible by recent state laws that allow school districts to convert, open new, or restart existing schools. (Hint: IPS)

What are "innovative" schools?

Roll your eyes


In 2013, Lumosity named Bloomington the 7th ____________________city in the US.

What is smartest?


Considered the father of American education. He believed that a well-educated public was necessary for a democracy to function properly (1837).

Who is Horace Mann?

(Repeat this many times)

"Well educated public is necessary for a democracy to function properly."


2015 Education Act signed by Obama to create a better law than NCLB focused on the goal of fully preparing all students for success in college and careers.

What is Every School Succeeds Act (ESSA).


An assessment where student's achievement is elicited, interpreted, and used by teachers and learners to make decisions about the next steps in instruction, the effectiveness of their own practice, and allowing for self assessment of the student.

What is Formative Assessment?


New report revealing more than one-quarter of charters schools closed after operating for five years, and about half closed after 15 years, displacing a total of more than 867,000 students. 

What is “Broken Promises: An Analysis of Charter School Closures from 1999-2017″?  (Burris and Pfleger)

Applaud  :)


The year IU was established.

What is 1820?