This person is your worship team leader
We are studying this book in Bible Study
1 John
Song 1
Firm Foundation - Cody Carnes
So I'll ____, with arms ____ and _____ _________
So I'll stand, with arms high and heart abandoned
This room is where KACF meets every Friday
This person is the worship coordinator
Who wrote the most books in the Bible
Song 2
Holy Forever - Chris Tomlin
I won't ____ to _____, I'll stand ____ and ____ You
If it _____ me in the _____, I'll ______ 'cause ____ ____ too
I won't bow to idols, I'll stand strong and worship You
If it puts me in the fire, I'll rejoice 'cause You're there too
Name all members on Comm
Angela, Natalie, Henry, Ryan, Timothy, Keinar, Kattie
Which year has the most representation in worship team?
Third Years
Where is this verse found?
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want
Psalm 23
Song 3
Abide - Dwell Songs, Aaron Williams
I want to ____ ______, Jesus ___ ______
_____ of the ______, ______ of my ______
I want to know You, Jesus my Lord
King of the Heavens, King of my soul
This person is the most active on the discord
Jacob Omdara
Name all people who are a part of worship team (from both teams)
Henry, Adrian, Lalaine, Mark, Summer, Janice, Allison, Noon, Atina, Richard, Anderson, Jacob, Matthew, Evelyn, Joshua
Bonus: Angela and Natalie
Song 4
Deep Dive - SEU Worship, Sydney James
Then came the _____ that ____ the ________
Your ____ _____ _____ to _______
Then came the morning that sealed the promise
Your buried body began to breathe
This is place we go to retreat every year
Circle Square Ranch
What song has worship team played the most?
Scandal of Grace
Where was John exiled to?
Island of Patmos
Song 5
Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts) - Shane and Shane
All my ____ and _____, I _____ in ______ _____
Just like ______, (__), You _____ me ____ ___ _____
All my hope and freedom, I found in Jesus name
Just like Lazarus, (Oh), You brought me back to life
KACF was founded in this year