Kaci's birthday
What is March 23rd 2007?
Kaci's favorite Color
What is pink?
The color of Kaci's Glasses
What is purple?
The number of classes Kaci took this year
What is 4?
The time setting on Kaci's phone
What is Military time?
Address of the house Kaci grew up in
What is 3221 Cricklewood St. ?
Kaci's least favorite animal
What is a bee?
The ring(s) Kaci wears
What are princess and heart?
Kaci's favorite subject
What is science?
The age of Kaci's backpack
What is 12 years (perhaps 13?)?
Kaci's best friend in kindergarten
Who is Angelina Brown?
Favorite thing from Costco
What is a chicken bake?
Kaci's Starbucks order
What is a caramel macchiato?
Kaci's major/ direction
What is Bio/ pre-med?
Kaci's position on drill
What is lieutenant?
Instrument Kaci played in the middle school band
What is a baritone?
Hobby Kaci gave up after attempting it once
What is crochet?
Kaci's lotion brand
What is EOS- vanilla cashmere?
The only class Kaci has either failed or come close to failing I can't remember
What is Spanish?
The name of Kaci's car
Who is Presley?
The first pillow pet Kaci owned
What is bumble bee?
least favorite one of us.
who is SIERRA? (said she hated me the most across all group chats... ok..)
Kaci's Dentist
Who is Dr. Gamble?
Kaci's senior class schedule
What is
1. Unscheduled
2. Unscheduled
3. English
4. data science
5. Sports Med
6. Drill
Award Kaci won at banquet last year
What is Most dedicated?