Whole Grains/Dairy

Name one fruit

strawberries, bananas, oranges, apples, etc


What is one topic you could discuss at mealtime?

Best part of your day, travel plans, family stores, worst part of your day, what is one thing you would like to learn to do, etc. 

Avoid food as this may cause pressure


Name one example of whole grains

bread, pasta, cereal, crackers


How do you feel when you are full?

satisfied, content, happy


What is one protein food

chicken, fish, peanut butter, etc.


Name one non-starchy vegetable

broccoli, carrots, zucchini, etc.


What is one example of how a parent could model healthy eating behaviors?

Eating fruits and vegetables, drinking water, modeling manners, do not say yuck or gross, present foods with neutrality and not as "good" or "bad"


Name a snack food that is a whole grain

whole grain crackers, popcorn, whole grain chips


How do you feel when you are hungry?

angry, headache/light headed, stomach empty, stomach rumbling

Name one plant-based protein food

nuts, seeds, peanut butter, beans, chickpeas


What portion of your plate should be fruits and vegetables?

Half the plate


Describe what mealtime should look like. Where is the meal eaten? Any technology?

Together at a table. No technology. Relaxed atmosphere 

How can you tell if a food is whole grain?

Check the ingredient list for the key word "whole" and the front of the package


You feel bored, should you eat?

No- check in to see if your stomach is telling you, you are hungry


Name one beverage you should limit

Soda, sweet tea, lemonade, juice, etc


Why should you eat fruits and vegetables?

important source of many nutrients (fiber, vitamin C, potassium, etc.), keeps your heart, eyes, skin, teeth, and gut healthy, heals cuts and wounds, helps you absorb other nutrients


Name one benefit of eating family meals

Greater intake of fruit and vegetables, Lower sugar sweetened beverage intake, Lower intake of fast food and takeout foods, Reduced risk of childhood overweight and obesity, Decreased risk of disordered eating, Reduced adolescent drug use, Delayed sexual activity, Reduced symptoms of depression and suicide, Reduced violence, Higher grades in school, Higher self esteem, Greater sense of resilience


Why is it important to consume dairy foods?

Brain development (contains 7 of the 14 essential nutrients), bone strength (protein, calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, potassium, zinc)


It is dinner time and your family is ready to eat, but you are watching a show on your iPad. What should you do?

Pause the show, leave the iPad, and enjoy dinner. You can finish your show later 


Name one protein food you could enjoy for breakfast

eggs, peanut butter, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese


Parents--How can you encourage your children to eat fruits and vegetables?

Model that you are eating them

Make them look and taste good (dips, cute pictures, skewers, add flavor, don't overcook)

Continue to offer in many forms (canned, frozen, fresh, roasted, steamed, etc)

Don't bribe kids with dessert if they eat their vegetables


Parents-- Tommy told you he will only eat chicken nuggets and French fries for dinner and does not want the steak quesadillas you made. What should you do?

Avoid making a separate meal for them and have one meal for the whole family. It only reinforces picky eating behaviors. Remember, your job is to provide nutritious meals, and your child’s job is to choose how much, and whether to eat.


Your stomach hurts when you drink dairy milk. What kind of milk should you drink instead?

Lactose free dairy (Lactaid, fairlife), soy milk

Other possible dairy products you may be able to eat: natural cheese (cheddar, mozzarella), cottage cheese


You still have food on your plate, but you are feeling full. What should you do?

Stop eating when you feel full. You can enjoy leftovers later when you do feel hungry.

What are signs that you should drink water?

dry lips, dry mouth, dark colored urine, headache, lightheaded, sleepy/irritable, recently playing at the park or after sports practices