Drug Abuse
Making Decisions
Media Influences
Coping with Anxiety & Anger
Communication & Social Skills

______________ is a highly addictive chemical compound present in a tobacco plant.


T or F: A good decision equals a bad consequence?

False. A good decision equals a good consequence. 

Example: A decision to study for the exam. The consequence is getting an A on the exam. 


What is media? 

A platform where communication can reach large groups of people.

What is anxiety? 

Feeling nervous, uptight, uneasy, or apprehensive.


What is communication?

Expressing oneself in such a way that one is willingly & clearly understood.


What factors determine the difference between drug use and drug abuse? 

a. frequency and amount

b. dependence and social attitudes

c. time and place taken

d. both a and b

e. all the above

d. both a and b


What are the 3 types of decisions?

Simple, everyday, and complex


T or F: A phone is an example of media. 

False. A phone, tablet, and computer is ways we can access media.


What are situations that cause Anxiety? 

a. tests and competitions

b. performances and making requests 

c. new or unfamiliar situations 

d. all the above 

d. all the above


How much of all our communication is accomplished non-verbally?

a. 25-40%

b. 45-60%

c. 65-80%

d. 75-90%

c. 65-80%


Which one is NOT a stage in the addiction process?

a. experimentation 

b. regular use

c. high-risk use

d. recovery 

d. recovery

Experimentation, regular use, high-risk use, and addiction


What is influence?

A power indirectly affecting a person or an action.

What is a consumer?

A person who purchases goods and services for personal use.


What is coping? 

Learning to deal with situations in life such as disappointment, frustrations, change and loss.

What are the two components of effective communication?

Sending and Receiving 


What are the two main organs most affected by alcohol? 

a. liver and lungs

b. brain and stomach

c. kidney and stomach

d. brain and liver

d. brain and liver

What influences our decision making? (3)

Personal opinions, friends opinions, parents opinions, school, community & neighborhood, and media


What media influence is this?:

Product x is better than product y

a. Demonstration

b. Comparison Tests and Opinion Polls 

c. Voice of Authority 

d. none of the above 

b. Comparison Tests and Opinion Polls


What makes people angry? (2)

Bullying, jealousy, losing patience, having possessions taken or broken, and insults to friends or family


What is a misunderstanding? 

A failure in communication which results when the receiver understands the meaning of a message differently than it was intended by the sender.


What is a drug? 

A medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.


What are the 3 C's of Decision Making? 

a. Clarity, Commitment, and Choice 

b. Consider, Compare, and Choose 

c. Challenge, Choices, and Consequences 

d. Clarify, Consider, and Choose 

d. Clarify, Consider, and Choose


What media influence is this?: 

Intended to create the impression that everybody is using a product and you should too.  

Bandwagon Appeal 


What physical changes does anger produce in the body?

Increased heart rate, rush of blood to head, and tight muscles


What is my name?

Jenn or Jennifer