wHaT is tHe m in MaSteRy
wHaT is MiNdFul to eMoTion
What is Mindfulness?
Quote Wikipedia: "a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique." (Response may vary)
What is a goal?
A goal is a a desired result that we aim for. Goals may be set by ourselves or by other people and can apply to a single person or a group.
what is the i in vitals (validate)
what is imagine
what day is it today
(open ended question)
What is the S in Mastery?
What does it mean to clarify setting and intention?
Remind yourself why where you are and you are doing something.
Why might you set a goal?
Goals help us gauge our own improvement and allow us to grow as people.
what is the t in vitals (validate)
what is take small steps
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Malaysian flight #370
What is the T in MASTERY?
Turn the mind.
What is reasonable mind?
Reasonable mind is when you think and make decisions based off logic instead of emotion.
What steps might you take in order to achieve your goals?
Plan, be active, think reasonably.
what is the a in vitals (validate)
what is applaud yourself
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small medium large 20mg
wHaT iS tHe a iN mAsTerY
wHaT is aCt oPpoSite to EmOtiOn
Demonstrate 3 ways you can be mindful.
(this is an open ended question)
What does the M stand for in SMART goals?
M stands for meaningful in the acronym SMART.
what is the L in vitals (validate)
what is lighten your load
what was fun
wHaT is tHe e in mAsteRy
what is exPeRiEnce bUilDinG PoSitiVes
How do you use the following skills:
(this is an open ended question)
What is a SMART goal?
A smart goal is Specific, Meaningful, Achievable, Recordable, and Timely.
what is the s in vitals (validate)
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