Finish the Lyrics:
You turn mourning to dancing
*insane guitar bum bum bum buuuuum*
What is "You give beauty for ashes"
For God so loved the world that He...
What is "gave His one and only son?"
Most streamed sporting event in the world
What is FIFA World Cup
Pastor Joe's Squat PR
(+- 50)
What is 584lbs?
The length of all Kairos Games team names this year added together
(plurality doesn't matter)
What is 30-33
This person owns a black cajon
Who is "Ning"
Jesus' first miracle
What is "turning water into wine"
What is 50
Pastor Joe's middle name
*trick question*
The blue bibles cost this much
(+- 69Ā¢)
What is $3.69
BAAYF Night Walk Tradition
(song name)
What is "You're Beautiful"
Three things the wise men gifted Jesus when he was born
What is gold, frankincense, and myrrh?
A tennis player needs to win this many games to win a set
What is 6
Pastor Joe joined Kairos in this year
What is 2020
45th US president's birth month
What is June
Most viewed Worship Song on Youtube
What is "What a Beautiful Name"
by Hillsong Worship
New sport added to 2024 Olympics
What is breaking or kayak cross?
In his Freshman year in high school, Pastor Joe played this position on the football team
What is Quarterback
26th letter in Supercalifra......docious
What is "L"
This person is playing the keyboard tonight
Woman that changed her name to Mara
Who is Naomi?
The only Olympic sport that starts with "D"
What is Diving
Pastor Joe's favorite person
Who is Jesus
# of Keys on a Piano
Divided by 4
Plus Roman numeral "XIV"
Divided by number of Fruits of the Spirit
Add # of Strings on an 8 string guitar
Subtract number of books in the bible
What is "-54"