British soldiers fired into a crowd of Bostonian's, killing five wounding six and angered an entire colony.
what was the Boston massacre?
join or die
What was the first political cartoon published in an American news paper.
a war fought between 1775 and 1783 that resulted in the independence of the United States from Great Britain
What was the American revolution
A British surgeon
Who was Alexander Falconbridge?
Great Britain, France , and various Native American tribes
people involved in the French and Indian War
ideas or information intentionally spread to harm or help a cause,information used to influence
what is propaganda?
a plan to place the British north American colonies under more centralized union of government
The Albany plan of union
names of the British soldiers
appalling conditions and cruelty
what were slaves afraid of
gave Florida and territory west of the Mississippi River to the British
from the French and Indian War
the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre did fire with provocation
what is soldiers fire with provocation
problems the Albany plan of union were supposed to address
an attempt to establish the division between the executive legislative branches.
New York, New Jersey, and South Carolina,
Every single state that fought in the war
the transatlantic journey of enslaved Africans from West Africa to the Americas took around two months
How long did the journey of the middle passage take
competing for land, trade, and empire
Why did France and England fight so much?
March 5, 1770
The Boston Massacre took place
french& Indian wars
They were also supposed to address wars
April 19, 1775
When did the American revolution begin.
high winds and waves, heavy rain, fog, snow (in colder regions), tropical storms, hurricanes, waterspouts, and extreme heat or cold
What weather conditions did the ships face?
The Treaty of Paris
What ended the French and Indian War?
control duties on imports to the town without Parliament interference
What was the purpose of the Boston massacre.
Franklins cartoon
combined to emphasize the importance of unity
growing colonial resentment towards British attempts to impose stricter control and taxation on the colonies
what were the causes of the revolution
ventilation or sufficient water
a way in which people on board could die
financial crisis, social unrest, and a desire for change.
Why did the French Revolution start?