Commemorative dates
International events
Awareness events
Culture Celebrations/
Traditional holidays
Truth & Reconciliation

Celebrates people in Canada since 1867 and shines a light on Canadian diversity, inclusion and youth.

What is Canada Day?


July 15 - Marked by the United Nations since 2014 to celebrate the importance of ensuring young people have skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.

 What is World Youth Skills Day?


Gender Equality Week held from September 22 to 28 raises awareness of the important contributions ____ and gender diverse communities have made to the development, character and identity of Canada. 

Who are women?


The traditional pastry of Mid-Autumn Festival held this year on September 17, 2024.

What is Mooncakes?


This was the date that marked the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

What is September 30, 2021?


This day Commemorates the passing of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act and the Nunavut Act on July 9, 1993.

What is Nunavut Day?


An international campaign occurring September 21 to raise awareness and highlight issues that affect people with dementia.

What is World Alzheimer's Day?


Events held for this international awareness day on August 31 typically include naloxone training session for the public.

What is International overdose awareness day?


This day of celebration was first held on August 15, 1881 in Memramcook, New Brunswick and was formally passed by the Government of Canada in 2003.

What is Acadian Culture Day?


An Indigenous-led grassroots commemorative day that  coincides with Truth and Reconciliation.

What is Orange Shirt Day?


July 28 Day of Commemoration of the Great Upheaval, Honours the memory of the victims while highlighting the history and heritage of the _____people.

Who are the Acadians?


An event occurring September 16 that is also known as Día de la Independencia.

What is Mexican Independence Day?


Held on the second Sunday of September ____ day is dedicated to acknowledging the contributions that ____ make towards the education and well-being of younger people.

What is Grandparents?


Observed on the last day of the Hindu lunar calendar month of Shravana, this year occurring August 19, sisters of all ages tie a talisman or amulet called the rakhi around the wrists of their brothers.

What is Raksha Bandhan?


The number of federally run residentials school that operated in Canada.

What is 140?


Occurs the 3rd week of August (August 19, 2024) celebrating the discovery of gold in 1896, which triggered a rush of miners, traders and others seeking their fortune in the Klondike.

 What is the Yukon‘s Discovery Day?


August 24 Commemorates the day __________ declared its independence as a sovereign nation—no longer a member state of the Soviet Union—in 1991.

What is the Ukraine (Ukrainian Independence Day)?


A celebration held on July 14 chosen to be at the midpoint between International Women’s Day (March 8) and International Men’s Day (November 19).

What is International Non-Binary People’s Day?


A holiday occurring this year on July 7 -the first day of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar. The Islamic calendar is based on the lunar calendar, and is 11 to 12 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar, which is based on the solar year.

What is Hijri New Year (also known as Islamic New Year)?


The year the last residential school closed.

What is 1996?


Celebrated on the second Thursday in September (September 12, 2024) this day continues to provide an opportunity for federal organizations in Canada to promote linguistic duality and to celebrate our founding principles.

What is Official Languages Day?


The individual celebrated on July 18. Having served 27 years in prison, he gained international acclaim for his activism. Globally regarded as an icon of democracy and social justice, he received more than 250 honours, including the Nobel Peace Prize and the United States designated him a terrorist until 2008.

Who is Nelson Mandela and Nelson Mandela International Day?


The flag of this month-long event in July has diagonal bands of red, gold, white, blue, and green, over a faded black background.

What is Disability Pride month?


Occurs this year on August 1 at the mid-point between summer solstice and autumn equinox, this Gaelic festival day marks the beginning of harvest season.


What is Lughnasadh (Lughnasa or Lúnasa)?


The call to action for which the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was a direct response.

What is Call to Action 80 (call for a federal statutory day of commemoration)?