Spy Ops
Power Rangers
Game On
Bricked It

These spy movies have a very memorable song, and center around a mission that is "very difficult," some would even say impossible. 

What is Mission Impossible?


This is the usually the color of the lead Ranger, symbolizing passion and occasionally fire. 

What is Red?


This Italian plumber dresses in all green, uses a vaccum and is a little bit taller than his all red, Goomba-stomping brother.

Who is Luigi?


The head on the standard LEGO character is this color, but don't confuse it for lemons or egg yolk. It's not very tasty.

What is yellow?


This bespectacled head counselor can be spotted wearing one of his 20+ (super cool) bandanas. 

Who is Mr. Guy?


These 4 superspies are cool as ice, and travel the world. There's Skipper the leader, Rico the loose cannon, Private the scared child, and Kowalski the brain.

What are Penguins?


This color has been used in every season of Power Rangers, but is almost never the leader. Some of the zords of this color include Dolphin, Cosmic Wolf, and Shark.

What is Blue?


This blocky game only lets you wear 3 hats at a time, but has over 300 million players. Inspired by Lego and Megablocks, you don't need a ton of Robux to have fun here.

What is Roblox?


This movie based on the popular building block features Emmet, a nobody who eventually learns that everybody, including Emmet himself, is special. Even you!

What is The Lego Movie?


This person loves light blue, hates chocolate, and starts her days off with a loud "GOOD MORNING!!" She's also our camp director!

Who is Ms. Christine?


This superhero does a lot of spy stuff. He sneaks around, fights bad guys, and uses various technology. He even has his own weapons and his own car, which all look like his favorite winged animal. 

Who is Batman?


These sneaky assassins, who also go by shinobi, are part of the inspiration for Power Rangers. They are seen wearing all black, using smoke bombs, and throwing metal stars. 

What are Ninja?


Jeb and Notch are two famous developers for this even more famous game centered around mining resources, fighting monsters, and entering worlds like The End and the Nether.

What is Minecraft?


Emmet from the Lego Movie is voiced by this super famous actor, who also voiced Mario in the Super Mario Bros Movie. He runs with Velociraptors in Jurassic World and flies with Rocket Raccoon as a Guardian of the Galaxy.

Who is Chris Pratt?


This counselor reminds us of the Eiffel Tower; tall and can speak French! His last name is also another word for soda!

Who is Mr. Tristan?


This foreign spy likes his martinis shaken, not stirred. He always looks good in a tux, and goes by the code name 007. 

Who is James Bond?


This strong type of Japanese warrior has been depicted in many television shows and movies, including Power Rangers. They are usually depicted with a katana, a longsword, and a wakizashi, or shortsword. They followed a code of honor called bushido

What are Samurai


These games have over 1000 different creatures which can be caught with Great, Ultra, or even Master Balls. These creatures range from a fire-breathing orange lizard to a yellow electric mouse. 

What is Pokemon?


This is the name for the little dots on top of the bricks that allow them to connect. They are also the money system in every LEGO video game. 

What are Studs?


Zoe, Midnight, Orion, Autumn, Sage, Inky, Bonnie, and Clyde are the names of this comical head counselor's cats. 

Who is Ms. Rebecca?


These two American government agencies both deal in information. They both have 3 letters, and a lot of people think of the Pentagon when you think of them. 

What are the C.I.A. and F.B.I. ?


This is the name of the vehicles in the Power Rangers universe, and are usually named after animals, like Lion __ or Tiger __. There have been over 300 individual ones, and when they combine, they form one Mega ___. 

What are Zords?


Grab a seat on the bus, chug any juice you've got, and watch out for John Wick! This fast paced, battle royale game has blown up recently, and has built a huge reputation.

What is Fortnite?


This profession, whose famous motto is to "Protect and Serve" was the first minifigure ever produced with moveable arms and legs. 

What is Police Officer / Policeman?


This counselor is a gamer through and through, with her own dedicated game room and 8 games 100% complete so far!

Who is Ms. Alisson?