Popular soveirgnty
Bleeding Kansas
essential questions
Kansas-Nebraska Act
What is the idea of popular sovereignty?
where the people get to choose by voting what they want.
what year did the hostilities start between the Border Ruffians, and Free States?
Who were the sitting senators of Missouri and Illinois, and what made these two men important?
Illinois- Stephen A Douglas, introduced the Kansas Nebraska act to be voted on Missouri- David Rice Atchison, was the radical leader of the border ruffians who attacked the free staters of Kansas
What year did the act take place in, and what was it?
1854. The act was passed to let the people of the territories to determine whether the state would be free, or a slave state.
what block is this class?
did the founding fathers come up with this idea?
yes, they specifically wanted the government to be ruled by the people
Why was it called Bleeding Kansas?
It referred to the blood shed happening due to the upcoming vote for the state to enter the union.
Why could one almost blame the deaths of the people fighting in the Bleeding Kansas Days on the Illinois senator, and the United states president at the time?
You could blame the Illinois senator for bringing up the idea of popular sovereignty in the act. And the president for signing the act into law.
Who was one of the settlers that came to voice his or her opinion?
John Brown
what group is this
What could have been different had this idea been in place earlier?
Tensions would be higher in places, and it would not necessarily be the the north is not slave, the south is slave
In order of events list the major events after the sacking of lawence
Pottawatomie Creek, Osawatomie, the moving of john brown
What made the idea of popular sovereignty so new and volatile?
It had never before been used to determine whether a state would be free, or slave, and with the state deciding it brought a lot of conflict and hostilities between people
These states were at, or above the 38th parallel as described in the Missouri compromise, what was included in this act to overthrow the compromise for these 2 territories?
popular sovereignty
name Tuesdays spirit day
Duck Dynasty Day
who was the one senator who wanted the new act to have this idea?
Stephen A Douglas
What was the largest and most violent attack by the border ruffians?
the sacking and burning of lawrence
Why did Kansas establish two capitals, Lawrence and Topeka, and what did the purpose of each have?
Kansas established two capitals to each be a non slave state, or a slave state capital so the two sides did not clash
What did this act to lead to in the territories?
Influx of new settlers to try and swing the state, and violence, mounting tensions.
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neither both overpriced and same thing.
What, if anything could have been done differently to limit the conflicts that this idea led to?
answers will vary
What made John brown come to Kansas, And what did he bring with him in his wagon?
He came to Kansas to join the fight on the free staters side, and he brought Guns and ammunition in his wagon
Why did the Border ruffians burn down Osawatomie after the Pottawatomie Creek Massacre, and what made them target that specific town?
They burned down the town of Osawatomie in retaliation of the radical free stater John Brown. He was living in the town at the time which made it a target for the border ruffians
Why was this idea chosen?
It was chosen to add two "northern" states and it to keep the balance was thought that if the people chose the balance could still be kept
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