Strategic Direction #1
Strategic Direction #2
Strategic Direction #3
Strategic Direction #4

Need to report on suicide related stories? Make sure to check out this goal first! It focuses on media reporting recommendations.

1.2.3 (Goal 2)


Different groups have different needs, but no need to preach to the Army Chorus. Where can you find a focus on our SMVF folks? Its so good its even got its own strategic plan.

2.1.3 (Goal 1)


Prevention, Intervention, and then this goal which focuses on capacity building in our communities, improving the linkage of services, and promoting suicide grief support groups, among other important things.

3.3.1 (Goal 3)


We can thank this goal for having a huge impact on the creation of our SRE committee AND their work this year creating an evaluation tool. Its also why we complete a report on this plan every year!

4.2.3 (Goal 2)


Want to build a repository for resources that focus on youth, families, and more?Where's the place these things happen and more! Its also the home for what brings us here today.

1.1.1 (Goal 1)


If only we knew more; this goal is where you can find work that targets getting data on at risk populations based on identities that experience marginalization. But wait! It also has thoughts on how to do it.

2.1.1 (Goal 1)


988 implementation came with a standard for answering lifeline calls at least 90% in-state. This goal talks about that standard and other 988 things like media campaigns.

3.2.1 (Goal 2)


Things work easier when everyones speaking the same language; we can thank this goal for prioritizing standardizing terminology, to help us all do that!

4.1.1 (Goal 1)


This goal is all about hearing peoples thoughts, especially the people who'ved lived it.

1.1.3 (Goal 1)


A short-term goal with long-term impact. This one is all about where we can put things that may cause harm and where we can go to get rid of it!

2.2.2 (Goal 2)


Continued education is important in any field, but this goal focuses on educational requirements for suicide prevention and intervention. It also talks about making that easier by having more training opportunities for evidence-based practice.

3.1.1 (Goal 1)


This goal asks the question "what good is data if its outdated?" and discusses the Kansas Behavioral and Mental Health Profile.

4.2.1 (Goal 2)


Stakeholders, Data, and Messaging Oh My! This goal focuses on health department partnerships, and creating targeted messaging.

1.2.1 (Goal 2)


We can't do this work alone, and this goal knows it. Where can you find the one that connects us with the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and other firearm specific places?

2.2.1 (Goal 2)


Whatever your opinions are on predictability, when it comes ot protocols for getting people care, this goal says creating protocols with robust and predictable outreach and follow-up, is a must.

3.1.3 (Goal 1)


Quality assurance condensed down into a goal, this one wants to know who's participating, and who's being served so we can talk about it.

4.3.1 (Goal 3)