What is the German modal verb for "must"?
What helping verb is used to form the future tense in German?
What is the correct negation for "Ich habe eine Schwester"?
Ich habe keine Schwester.
What is the German word for "ice cream"?
How do you say "Thank you very much" in German?
Danke schön
Conjugate "wollen" in the "ich" form.
ich will
Conjugate "werden" in the "er/sie/es" form.
Correct this sentence: "Ich spiele nicht Fußball."
Ich spiele keinen Fußball.
Translate: "I like to drink iced tea."
Ich trinke gern Eistee.
Translate: "I like to eat pizza"
Ich esse gern Pizza.
Uebersetzen ins English: We are allowed to eat ice cream.
Wir dürfen Eis essen
Translate: "She will go to the ice cream café."
Sie wird ins Eiscafé gehen.
Translate: "I do not like to drink cola."
Ich trinke nicht gern Cola.
What is "Spaghetti Eis"?
A special vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce that looks like spaghetti.
What phrase would you say before eating in Germany?
Guten Appetit!
What is the difference between "mögen" and "möchten"?
"Mögen" means "to like," while "möchten" is the conditional form meaning "would like to"
Change to future tense: "Ich esse Pizza."
Ich werde Pizza essen.
Explain when to use "nicht" versus "kein."
Use "nicht" to negate verbs, adverbs, and adjectives, and "kein" to negate nouns.
Name three types of German ice cream flavors from the list.
Schokoeis, Vanilleeis, Nusseis
What is the German phrase for "May I help you?"
Bitte schön?
Complete the sentence: "Ich ______ ein Eis essen, weil es heiß ist."
Create a future tense sentence using "werden" and "trinken."
Example: Ich werde nach dem Spiel Wasser trinken.
Rewrite in negative: "Mein Bruder spielt Gitarre."
Mein Bruder spielt keine Gitarre.
Translate to German: I like to drink Water but (aber), I prefer to drink Cola.
Ich trinke gern Wasser, aber ich trinke lieber Cola.
Translate: "I really don't like eating fish."
Ich esse gar nicht gern Fisch.