Text Support Features
Strategies for Before You Read
Strategies for While You Read
Strategies for After you Read
Wild Card
Another word for an illustration.
What is a graphic, picture, or drawing.
When "scanning" what are you looking at specifically.
What is text support features (title, graphic, footnote, or caption).
When reading fiction what 3 elements do you need to keep track of?
What is characters. problem, solution.
What is an inference?
What is a conclusion you can draw from the text. Inferences are lofical conclusions that are supported by details from the text.
What is Ms. Holmes' first name?
What is Candace.
Found at the end of a page or a graphic and gives the definition of a word.
What is a footnote.
In addition to "scanning" what is a before you read reading strategy?
What is reading the questions.
What are three ways to keep track of the elements of fiction?
What is underlining, mental notes, and summarizing as you read.
Circling an unfamilar word and looking at context clues will help us when ntrying to figure out what?
What is vocabulary words.
Reptition of vowel sound.
What is assonance.
Found undearneath an illustration, graphic, or drawing and describes what is happening in the dawing.
What is a caption.
Reading the questions before you read forces you to determine what you know about the passage as well as what else?
What is identify what you need to know about the passage to answer the questions.
When reading nonfiction what do you want to keep track of?
What is the main topic and supporting details.
Which of the following is incorrect when it comes to predicting? look at the answer choices predict the answer look at the answer choices to find the one that mathces your prediction
What is look at the answer choices.
The snow is like a mountain of vanilla ice cream is an example of what kind of literary term?
What is a similie.
On the front of a book or at the top of a passage (usually in bold).
What is the title.
What genre is the text Jump Ship to Freedom?
What is fiction
"A Tribute to Dikembe Mutumbo" is an example of what genre?
What is nonfiction.
Which is incorrect when it comes to eliminating? read each answer choice eliminate answer choices that are correct
What is eliminate answer choices that are correct.
Beep Beep Beep Beep SLAM!!!!! This is an example of what type of literary device.
What is onomatopoeia.
The three genres that are found on the ELA test.
What is fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
You can usually tell what type of passage you are reading in which text support feature?
What is the directions.
The repetition of consonant sounds.
What is alliteration.
What are 3 types of graphic organizers?
What is a concept map, timeline, and a cause and effect chart, and a contrast chart.
The students are beacons of light. This is an example of what type of literary device?
What is a metaphor.