Philanthropy + Community Service
National Council
Ritual Songs
KD History

What all of Kappa Delta's platforms are linked to

What is confidence?


Our 2 national philanthropies

What is PCAA and Girl Scouts America?


The National President

Who is Susan Stockton?


Words to the Chambered Nautilus Poem

What is "Build thee more stately mansions, o my soul, as the swift seasons roll; leave thy low vaulted past, let each new temple, nobler than the last; shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast, till thou at length are free, leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea"?


The date Kappa Delta was founded

What is October 23, 1897?


Kappa Delta's symbols

What is a nautilus shell, a diamond shape, dagger?


Our chapter's local philanthropy

What is the NYSPCC?


The National Vice President

Who is Emily Ulmer Feinstein?


The first verse lyrics to Our Creed

What is "May we sisters in KD, still strive each day more earnestly, to seek with all the joy of youth the things of honor beauty truth, of honor beauty truth"?


The place Kappa Delta was founded (city and state)

Farmville, Virginia


Kappa Delta's colors

What are olive green and pearl white?


Our main annual fundraiser

What is Shamrock?


The National VP Membership

Who is Laura Beth Hanson McKew?


The first verse lyrics to A Vow

What is "Oh Kappa Delta we to you, by friendship's ow fraternal, do pledge a new allegiance true, undying and eternal. We swear forever to defend the honor of thy union, and to the end bound friend to friend to keep thy high communion"?


The name of the school (past and present) where KD was founded

What is the State Female Normal School, now Longwood University?


Kappa Delta's open motto

What is Ta kala Diokomen, "Let us strive for that which is honorable beautiful, and highest"?


The 2 holidays created KD created

What are International Women's Friendship Month and International Girls Day?


The National VP Finance

Who is Sarah Smith Dubbert?


The lyrics to Kappa Delta Hymn

What is "O Kappa Delta ever we, cherish the love we share, the fondest homage of our hearts will be forever fair. May we be true to sacred trust, guarding thy honored name, may love and friendship give us strength to keep from thee all shame"?


The name and date out chapter was founded

What is Eta Iota, March 11 2007?


Kappa Delta's creed

What is "May we, Sisters in Kappa Delta, strive each day to seek more earnestly the honorable and beautiful things. May we each day through love of those within our circle, learn to know and understand better those without our circle. May the diamond shield that guards our love ­find us each day Truer, Wiser, More Faithful, More Loving, and More Noble."?


The Kappa Delta Foundation

What is a foundation that work's to secure funds for the educational, leadership, and charitable purposes of Kappa Delta Sorority? It offers scholarships, leadership trainings, grants, and more. 


The National VP Alumnae

Who is Rhonda Mullins Giedt?


The first verse of lyrics to A Faithful Band of Sisters

What is "A faithful band of sisters we, thus linked by bonds of dear KD, throughout all life we sisters stand, bound heart to heart and hand to hand"?

The four founding members of KD

Who are Lenora Ashmore Blackiston, Sara Turner White, Julia Gardiner Tyler Wilson, Mary Sommerville Sparks Hendricks?