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All things Kappa Delta
When was Kappa Delta founded?
October 23, 1897
How does Kappa Delta build confidence in our members?
Kappa Delta provides opportunities for leadership and personal development, including Pace activities, that build confidence in members.
How long does membership in Kappa Delta last?
A lifetime
What are Kappa Delta's colors?
Olive green, pearl white
What is our local chapter's name?
Eta Epsilon
Where was Kappa Delta founded?
Farmville, Virginia (State Female Normal School)
Kappa Delta Shamrock events support what national organization?
Prevent Child Abuse America
What tools does KD use to communicate information to its collegiate and alumnae members?
The Angelos, KD website, KD Connect, KDHQ Facebook and Twitter and email, KD Leader newsletter for elected and appointed officers, Quarterly leadership packets, 24/7 filing cabinet, Nautilus Network
What is the flower of Kappa Delta?
White rose
What are the 4 National philanthropies?
Girl Scouts of the USA Prevent Child Abuse America American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU
Who are the founders of Kappa Delta?
Lenora Ashmore Blackiston Sara Turner White Julia Gardiner Tyler Wilson Mary Sommerville Sparks Hendrick
What does PACE stand for?
Personal Presence Attitude Communication Enlarging our World
How many active collegiate chapters does Kappa Delta have as of December 2014?
What are the jewels of Kappa Delta?
Diamond, Emerald, Pearl
What is the appropriate attire for First, Second, and Third Degree?
White dresses; white shoes
The _______ of Kappa Delta Sorority is to promote true friendship among the college girls of our country by inculcating into their hearts and lives those principles of truth, of honor, of duty, without which there can be no true friendship.
What does the acronym G-R-E-A-T stand for in Live GREAT?
Growth through lifetime learning Responsibility for our own integrity and ethical actions Engagement in social and civic interests Altruistic service to others Truth and loyalty to each other
What are the 10 officer positions? Who holds them in our chapter?
President - Caitlin McCarthy VP Member Education - Helen Kennedy VP Membership - Katie Kelemen VP Operations - Sophie Streitweiser VP Community Service - Emily Heid VP Public Relations - Kate Harper VP Standards - Christiana True Secretary - Caroline Flagler Treasurer - Hannah Gallegher Panhellenic Representative (ISC) - Kate Roe
What are Kappa Delta's symbols and mascot?
Nautilus shell, dagger, diamond shape; Teddy bear
When wearing the Kappa Delta badge (pin), what guidelines must be followed?
-Dressed in Pin attire -The badge itself is to be worn straight up and down over the heart and above all other pins.
What is the Motto of Kappa Delta. What does it mean?
Ta Kala Diokomen. Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful, and highest.
Name the two holidays Kappa Delta created and celebrates. When are they celebrated?
International Women's Friendship Month (September) International Girls Day (November 14)
Who is the National President?
Beth Martin Langford
What is the address of Kappa Delta National Headquarters?
3205 Players Lane Memphis, Tn 38125
What four things must a chapter member do to be in good standing?
Attend all chapter meetings, ritualistic services, recruitment activities and other required functions. Meet all financial obligations by the deadline set in the chapter bylaws. Perform chapter officer responsibilities. Maintain the scholastic average required by the chapter bylaws.