Life and Death
Marx in Modern Times

This mode of production is based on unequal private ownership of the means of production. 

What is capitalism? 


You will find Marx buried in this city, where his grave features a large bust and the famous words, "Workers of all lands unite." 

What is London?


This concept explains how material goods like clothes, cell phones and cars are perceived to have value and power independent of the labor that produced them.

What is commodity fetishism? 


Term that refers to this group that sells their labor for wages in a capitalist society.

What is the proletariat?


Money and other privately owned resources used in the production of com­modities whose sale accumulates profit for the capitalist.

What is Physical Capital?


Owners of capital and of the means of production, who stand in a position of domina­tion over the proletariat

What is the bourgeoisie?


Marx was born in this country? 

What is Germany?


Marx predicted that capitalism’s need for ever-expanding markets would lead to this inevitable process, where economic activity and cultural exchange spread across national borders.

What is globalization?


Cultural ideas that dominate our everyday life that make our current social existence seem normal and desirable? 

What is ideology? 


A company might invest in this by offering training programs to increase the productivity and skills of its workforce.

What is Human Capital?


Capitalists' accumulation of capital as a result of the surplus value generated by wage-workers' labor power.

What is profit?


Marx published The Communist Manifesto in 1848 with this man?

Who is Friedrich Engels? 


Marx believed this would be the final phase in the evolution of history, whereby capitalism would be over­ thrown by proletarian class revolution, resulting in a society where the division of labor, private property, and profit would no longer exist.

What is communism?


This term describes the phenomenon where workers feel disconnected from the products of their labor.

What is alienation?


The ability to secure a job through friends or family connections exemplifies the benefits of this form of capital.

What is social capital? 


The minimum wage needed to sustain workers' existence (livelihood) so that their labor power is main­ tained and reproduced for the capitalist class.

What is subsistence? 


Marx believed this was the result of workers being reduced to their use-value, estranging them from the creativity and higher consciousness that distinguish humans from animals. 

What is alienation from their species being? 


Marx argued that as workers become aware of their exploitation, they would develop this, ultimately leading to the overthrow of the capitalist system.

What is class consciousness?


This term, used by Marx, refers to the inherent nature of humans as creative and productive beings, capable of shaping their own lives and society.

What is species being?


Whether you attend polo matches, hockey games or cornhole tournaments exemplify this kind of capital? 

What is cultural capital?


This Marxist theory argues that the development of human societies is driven by changes in the material conditions of production, not ideas or morality.

What is historical materialism? 


This concept explains how individuals in a capitalist society may not recognize their own exploitation and the true nature of their social conditions.

What is false consciousness? 


Factories, machines, land and financial capital are referred to as this, by Marx? 

What is the "means of production"? 


This term describes the specialization of tasks within a production process, which Marx argued leads to worker alienation.

What is division of labor? 


An individual demonstrating knowledge of high art, classical music, or literature in elite social settings is utilizing this to gain social prestige.

What is cultural capital?