The West & Native American Experience
Post-Reconstruction & Jim Crow Era
Industrialization, Immigration, & Urbanization
Populism & the People's Party
Reform Movements

What were posters like this one meant to encourage?

A. Gold mining

B. Enlistment in the army

C. Employment by the railroads

D. Settlement of Western territories

D. Settlement of Western territories


What did the Compromise of 1877 do?

A. It granted African Americans the right to vote

B. It enacted literacy tests and poll taxes

C. It marked the end of Reconstruction

D. It ended Jim Crow laws

C. It marked the end of Reconstruction


How did laissez-faire government contribute to the Second Industrial Revolution?

A. It increased labor costs

B. It decreased crop production

C. It left businesses unregulated

D. It introduced the system of capitalism

C. It left businesses unregulated


What was the major function of the farmers' Grange movement?

A. Lobbying legislators

B. Expanding civil rights

C. Educating farmers

D. Promoting industrialization

C. Educating farmers


One effect of photos like this was the passage of laws that __________.

A. Ended child labor

B. Ended sweatshops

C. Improved urban housing

D. Improved public education

C. Improved urban housing


What is one way in which Native American ways of life changed as settlers moved west?

A. The transatlantic railroad ran through the homes of the largest Native American groups

B. Treaties removed the source of conflict between Native Americans and settlers

C. Bison were hunted for profit and sport to the point of depletion

D. Native Americans were asked to share their cultures with the new settlers

C. Bison were hunted for profit and sport to the point of depletion


What is portrayed in this picture? Select two correct answers.

A. Racial segregation in public spaces

B. Use of poll taxes and literacy tests

C. Intimidation by the Ku Klux Klan

D. Effects of Jim Crow laws

E. Political disenfranchisement

A. Racial segregation in public spaces

D. Effects of Jim Crow laws


Which leader of industry was responsible for the faster production of steel?

A. Cornelius Vanderbilt

B. John Rockefeller

C. Andrew Carnegie

D. Madame C.J. Walker

C. Andrew Carnegie


Why did people in rural areas of Louisiana oppose the Bourbon Democrats?

A. The Bourbon Democrats introduced Jim Crow laws to the state

B. The Bourbon Democrats were unable to resolve a debt crisis in the state

C. The Bourbon Democrats adopted a new constitution without support from citizens

D. The Bourbon Democrats did little to help farmers or sharecroppers after the Civil War

D. The Bourbon Democrats did little to help farmers or sharecroppers after the Civil War


"There would be meat that had tumbled out on the floor, in the dirt and sawdust, where workers had tramped and spit... There would be meat stored in great piles... rats would race about on it... The packers would put poisoned bread out for them; they would die, and then rats, bread, and meat would go into the hoppers together."

What law was passed in response to this text?

A. Keating-Owen Act

B. Sherman Anti-Trust Act

C. Pure Food and Drug Act

D. Interstate Commerce Act

C. Pure Food and Drug Act


What did historian Frederick Jackson Turner think was most important in the development of American history?

A. Voting rights

B. The frontier

C. Cattle

D. The railroad

B. The frontier


Which segregation case made it to the US Supreme Court after a violation of the Separate Car Act and deemed that segregation was legal and led to the passing of more Jim Crow laws?

A. Dred Scott vs. Sandford

B. Plessy vs. Ferguson

C. Loving vs. Virginia

D. Brown vs. Board of Education

B. Plessy vs. Ferguson


What is one pull factor that contributed to urbanization?

A. Economic opportunities in factories

B. More land for farming

C. Religious persecution

D. Political unrest

A. Economic opportunities in factories


What was a major goal of the Farmers' Alliance?

A. Encouraging states to regulate railroads

B. Encouraging states to adopt laissez-faire policies

C. Offering lower prices than retail suppliers

D. Offering lower interest rates than bank loans

A. Encouraging states to regulate railroads


Why do some historians refer to the period of time from the 1870s to the 1890s as the Gilded Age?

A. Reforms improved society in a variety of ways

B. A few Americans were extremely wealthy while many others lived in poverty

C. Reforms brought an end to laissez-faire government

D. A few American businesses manufactured most of the goods for the entire world

B. A few Americans were extremely wealthy while many others lived in poverty


What effect did the Gold Rush have on the Native Americans of the Pacific Coast?

A. The Gold Rush caused settlers to drive Native Americans from their lands

B. The Gold Rush caused a new wave of treaties to be made

C. The Gold Rush led to Native Americans growing rich

D. The Gold Rush kept settlers away from the Pacific

A. The Gold Rush caused settlers to drive Native Americans from their lands


Which African American activist is known for their campaign against lynching?

A. Ida B. Wells

B. W.E.B. Du Bois

C. Mary Church Terrell

D. Booker T. Washington

A. Ida B. Wells


What were the challenges of living in these types of buildings? Select two correct answers.

A. They had little fresh air or sunlight

B. They lacked sufficient plumbing

C. They were expensive to build

D. They were made of bricks

E. They caused air pollution

A. They had little fresh air or sunlight

B. They lacked sufficient plumbing


Why does the artist who made this poster believe farming is the most important job in society?

A. Agriculture is the largest part of the US economy

B. Agriculture supports all other jobs and industries

C. Agriculture generates more wealth than other industries

D. Agriculture requires greater effort than other jobs and industries

B. Agriculture supports all other jobs and industries


Which factors contributed to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire? Select two correct answers.

A. The factory lacked fire extinguishers

B. Workers toiled for thirteen hours a day

C. The building had only one fire escape

D. The windows were locked from the outside

E. No one called firefighters

A. The factory lacked fire extinguishers

C. The building had only one fire escape


What were the consequences of the Dawes Act for Native Americans? Select two correct answers.

A. Sitting Bull was arrested by the Bureau of Indian Affairs

B. The Sioux people tried to protect Sitting Bull from arrest

C. Native Americans had to abandon their communal way of life

D. American officials banned the Ghost Dance in the Dakota Territory

E. Many Native Americans sold their land to white settlers for less than the land was worth

C. Native Americans had to abandon their communal way of life

E. Many Native Americans sold their land to white settlers for less than the land was worth


What did Booker T. Washington believe was the best way for African Americans to gain equality?

A. Ending African American voter suppression

B. Pursuing educational and economic opportunities

C. Forming organizations that championed civil rights

D. Amending state constitutions to include equal rights

B. Pursuing educational and economic opportunities


Why did businesses use the practice shown on the left side of the diagram?

A. To raise hourly wages

B. To control an entire industry

C. To avoid paying federal taxes

D. To own all levels of production

D. To own all levels of production


"You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."

Which statement would the speaker of the quote agree with?

A. Farmers need a way to print their own money

B. Farmers need a place to socialize with each other

C. The US government should buy surplus crops

D. The US government should adopt bimetallism

D. The US government should adopt bimetallism


Which aspect of Theodore Roosevelt's presidency is illustrated in this cartoon?

A. Settling strikes between owners and employees

B. Protecting consumers from unsafe food products

C. Conserving natural spaces for future generations

D. Regulating big businesses and trusts

D. Regulating big businesses and trusts