Family Fun (and not so fun) Times
All is fair in Love (and War)
Fandoms and Interests
Kate’s biggest L’s and (mayhaps not L's)
Miscellaneous Topics and Memories

What are the names of Kate's parents? 

I will be generous with spelling if the overall vibe is there

Shaoxiong (Shao) Huang and Yanhong (Yan) Zhang


List at least three crushes that Kate has had within her lifetime. Celebrities do not count unfortunately. 

Bonus points will he given if you list a crush before the time of middle school. 

Possible answers: Jacob Grandone, Jacob Schulz, Jacob McKey, Carson Smeijkal, Declan Delgado, Alec Screnchuk, Thomas Almos, Ashe Reed, etc.

Also to be clear: I don’t have a crush on any of them anymore. Cause that would be cringe 

Name at least three fandoms that Kate is currently in 

Kpop, Anime, Kdrama, BL, Danmei, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, etc. 


What is the record for the most number of sneezes that Kate has done in one sitting?

This counts as an L because sneezing this many times would leave me literally debilitated for like a few minutes. 



What is Kate's biggest fear? (multiple possible answers)

Possible Answers: Bugs (specifically the flying and stinging type), Death/Unknown, Dying with regrets, Small holes (HUGE trypanophobia), Socializing, Outdoor restrooms (like without plumbing), etc. 


Name an occupation that Kate wanted to do when she was a kid.

Teacher, Marine Biologist, Pediatrician, Psychiatrist. (but I won't count this because this was more high school), etc. 


Kate had a very close friend between the ages of 8-13 who eventually grew toxic and left her (I know, very sadboi). However, she did introduce Kate to a hobby/sport that she later grew to like. What was this hobby/sport?



What was the first anime that Kate ever watched?

Possible answers: 

Haikyuu (2020) or Pokemon (2018-2019). 

How many times has Kate passed out/semi-blacked out (in public) in her lifetime? 

Bonus points if you can name where she passed out and at what point in time. 

Three times 

1. At the doctor's office (seventh grade)

2. In the Health and Medical Careers Classroom (sophomore year)

3. At the Anderson Hospital Cancer Care Center (senior year)


What was Kate's scientific publication about, and where did she work to get it? 

Selenium Concentrations in Lake Erie Sediments at the Department of Environmental Science at SIUE


When Kate was in China on one of her trips (not saying the year), a random Chinese stranger stopped her Dad while they were walking to accuse him of abusing his daughter. What was happening to Kate to prompt the man to do this? 

Answer: Kate was wearing only a tank top in under forty degree (Fahrenheit) weather 

I will also take: Kate was dressed like a normal Midwestern American in the winter, Kate’s outfit uglier than all the other passerby, and Kate was spinning in odd circles while walking 


Name at least two reasons why Kate never dated anyone in high school (please feel free to roast me until I am but a burnt chicken nugget). 

Kate wanted to focus on her studies, Kate wasn't interested in dating, Kate thought her friends were enough socializing, Kate didn't believe in romantic love, Kate knew she was an ugly merp, Kate was not mentally prepared to date, etc. 


In her peak reading era, how many books would Kate rent out on her weekly trips to the Glen Carbon Library?

Between 8-10


What was Kate's biggest L during Ethics Bowl? 

I will take the senior year or sophomore year version. 


1. Introducing myself as a junior during divisionals practice senior year.


2. Unmuting and speaking out of turn during the SIUE practice during sophomore year.


Once upon a time, Kate would go fishing with her Dad and brother. However, after an unfortunate event at Joe Glik Park, Kate would avoid fishing like COVID because of her trauma. 

What happened to Kate at Joe Glik Park?

The fish she caught had the hook stuck in its throat, and it threw up all over Kate when she went to pull it up. 


What is the number of times Kate has been to China (that she remembers)

Bonus points if you can identify which years she went on China trips 


Years: 2007? (Idk I was Bebe), 2013, 2016, 2019


Kate has been engaged and divorced/broken up one time within her lifetime thus far. When did this engagement and subsequent divorce occur and WHO was her partner????

Engagement: Early summer after first grade 

Divorce/Breakup: Late summer after first grade 

Person: Fredy An


What was the fandom that Kate was most interested in during the early months (January-March) of 2022?

Hint: what important (semi) repetitive event was happening around this time?

Figure skating overall/Japanese figure skating


Name two of the biggest L's that happened to Kate in middle school. 

If you get creative and it sounds like it could have happened, I will give you partial credit. 

Possible Answers: Kate attempted to confess to her crush in sixth grade (who was two years older than her) through a love note but ended up chickening out and writing a "Good luck in high school" note instead, Kate played very loudly at the wrong time in band and cried for an embarrassingly long time in math class afterward, Kate tripped over her own sports bag and slid across the room on the podium before jazz band practice, Kate tripped over nothing and fell one time in the hallway, etc. 


What day of the week did Kate go to Chinese School?

Usually Saturday 


What is my full Chinese name in Chinese characters?

Huang Jiaqi 

(Will show actual characters on a separate piece of paper)


How many times have people assumed that Kate has been dating Kaitlyn?

To be honest I'm not 100% sure, set the answer around 5ish

People who have assumed: 

1. Austin (brother)

2. Will Dorsey (upperclassmen from junior year)

3. A mutual friend of ours

4. A friend of the previous mutual friend

5. Mrs. Doll???? (mayhaps)

6. Logan from Ethics Bowl

This was more than five but oh well lol


How old was Kate when she first started reading fanfiction AND what was/were the first fandom(s) that she read for?

Bonus points if you can guess the location where I first started reading fanfic. 

About 12 (it might have been 11 but I'll say 12 to maintain some sanity)

Fandom(s): Percy Jackson, Warrior Cats, Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments

Bonus points: I started reading on


What academic achievement from senior year is Kate the most proud of?

Receiving a 6/6 on an FRQ in AP Lang and getting direct praise from Mr. Schlueter.


What was the name of the Young Author's Book that Kate wrote in elementary school? 

(the timeline is vague because this is the only book name of mine that I remember)

The Amulet of the Aztecs