When Katelyn meets a brand new person for the first time, she feels _______
What is nervous?
Katelyn wakes up at this time every morning
What is around 4 am?
Katelyn says this when she wants you to hear her
What is listen?
This show has 15 seasons and features brothers Sam and Dean Winchester
What is Supernatural?
This is one of Katelyn's favorite books, and it is one that she is currently reading right now
What is "To Kill a Mockingbird?"
Given the choice between meeting a new person or petting a moose, Katelyn would choose this.
The answer is, "She doesn't have one."
What is a favorite class at school?
Katelyn says this when she's trying to explain herself
Ted, Barney, Robin, Lily, and Marshall all star in this hit sitcom about dating life antics
What is HIMYM?
This is Katelyn's least favorite author
Who is Hemingway?
When Katelyn doesn't know somebody that Austin knows, and they're talking in public, she'll do this.
What is not engage with the person at all and look at the floor?
These are the grades that Katelyn teaches
What is 9, 11, and 12?
When Austin accuses Katelyn of doing something (that is obviously slander), Katelyn will respond in a high-pitched __________.
What is what?
Take a trip with Eleanor Shellstrop to this magical realm
What is the Good Place?
This short story is the first story Katelyn hasn't read that she is teaching (next week)
What is the Yellow Wallpaper?
After meeting Austin's mom, Katelyn maintained this belief for a year
What is the belief that Austin's mom hated Katelyn?
At the beginning of student teaching, Katelyn wore an all-black outfit as part of this school event
What is underground spirit week?
A saying that is the ending of the bedtime ritual
What is "undies?"
Season 2 of this show, featuring the titular hero, whose name is a color followed by a symbol
What is the Green Arrow?
This is the first Shakespeare play that Katelyn read in her Shakespeare class
What is "As You Like It?"
After meeting any new person, Katelyn always feels this way.
What is bad about herself?
Katelyn's two mentor teachers
Who are Lewis and Mehalechko?
Austin says Katelyn sounds like this cat
What is the Wi Wi Wi cat?
Give me some rope, tied to a tree, give me the hope, to run out of steam are lyrics to this show's opening number.
What is Community?
On Austin and Katelyn's first date, Austin asked Katelyn which short story she'd recommend for him, and she answered with this.
What is "Going to Meet the Man" by James Baldwin?