Things she tried against her mother's wishes
She's got a backup plan
Pass the remote
I think it's time for an activity
Back to the basics

It was during her time in Charlotte when Katherine first adopted one of these animals.

What is cat?


Katherine has often talked about her goal to own one of these animals, which she would name "Luck be a Lady."

What is race horse?


This favorite show of Katherine's takes place in Seattle, and the main character inspired the name of one of Taylor Swift's cats. 

What is Greys Anatomy?


It's this most recent hobby of Katherine's that requires 2 pounds of powdered sugar and a steady hand.

What is cookie decorating?


These are the names of Katherine's two cats.

What is Ruth and Moose?


During her time at Queens, Katherine picked up this sport.

What is rugby?


This backup plan is one that is still in progress and was started in March.

What is getting her real estate license?


Prince guest starred in one of Katherine's favorite sitcoms and tasked himself with getting the main couple together. 

What is New Girl?


A year ago, Katherine played this sport for the first time and has since participated in multiple leagues. 

What is golf?


Katherine's master's degree is in this subject.

What is 'strategic communication?


In high school, Katherine decided to run for this North Carolina statewide club role.

What is the NC Beta Club President?


In this backup plan, she wants to take one of her hobbies on the road.

What is mobile bookstore?


"Wheels up in 10!" and "Whatcha got for my babygirl" are both common phrases amongst the main group of crime-fighters in this TV drama.

What is Criminal Minds?


A more recent hobby of Katherine's is one that can't be played alone and is often played outside. However, it does lend itself to cute accessories. 

What is pickleball?


If in need of a piece of chocolate, Katherine is most likely to reach for this candy.

What are Reese's Cups?


Before going to Mount Vernon Place UMC, Katherine wanted to attend this DC UMC church.

What is Foundry?


It's this backup plan that involves putting a little bit of skin on the line.

What is owning a tattoo shop?


It's this most recent binge-show of Katherine's where the main character and his "family" are in the waste management business.

What is the Sopranos? 


Katherine just finished her new member year in this extracurricular. 

What is Junior League of Washington?


Katherine's go-to alcoholic beverage is this drink. 

What is a lemon drop martini?


Picture the Caldwell County Fair in 2016, Katherine decided to compete in this type of competition.

what is a beauty pageant?


If you've ridden in a car with Katherine, you may have seen a need for speed, which led her to this aspirational backup plan.

What is Nascar driver?


This TV drama premiered in 2005 and is set in DC. With one of the best "slow burns" of all time, this series proves to be one of Katherine's all-time favorites.

What is Bones?


This favorite board game of Katherine's was also the topic of her college admissions essay.

What is Monopoly? 


Katherine's first celebrity crush was this actor who played Pa on Little House on the Prairie

Who is Michael Landon?