Does Kathryn have siblings and if so how many/how old
Yes, one brother (Michael) who is 22
What's the name of Koko's undergraduate university?
DePaul University!
How would Kathryn rank the FLAVORS: coffee, milk tea, matcha?
matcha, coffee, milk tea
What's Koko's favorite Chinese word?
企鵝, business goose!
Both teams nominate someone to rock-paper-scissors. The winning team gets 100 points!
Thank you for rock-paper-scissors-ing! :)
Does Kathryn have pets and if so what are they?
Yes, two cats (Maisie and Felix)
Koko's dream is to be a divorce attorney because...
She thinks it's sad when people are trapped in unhappy marriages and wants people to be able to leave and get into a happier relationship <3
Who is Kathryn's favorite musical artist?
Noah Kahan
Name three of Koko's "Hear Me Outs"
Gordon Ramsay, Randall from Monsters University, Magic Carpet from Aladdin, Lightning McQueen + Finn McMissle from Cars, the man with a yellow hat from Curious George, Arthur's German piano teacher, Coach Bennett from NRC
Both teams nominate someone to give Koko and Kathryn some comforting head pats. The best head patter will receive 200 points!
Thank you for the head pats :)
Name one of Kathryn's college jobs
Event usher, international programs student advisor, TA
Koko's greatest irrational fear is animals "_______________" (you must be word-perfect)
without feet!
What is Kathryn's favorite type of weather?
rain (except when hiking!!!)
What two instruments is Koko proficient with?
Oboe and English horn!
Both teams nominate someone to arm wrestle! Whichever team who wins the arm wrestle match gets 300 points!
Thank you for arm wrestling :)
What sport did Kathryn play in high school?
When she travels, what does Koko collect?
Name the Taiwanese food Kathryn will miss the most
Name five of Koko's current moms
Her Japanese/biological mom, Ally, Savannah, Lindsey, Alexis, Jennifer, Sophia, Shelley, Shivani, Fonda
Koko and Kathryn will name a celebrity and the team to do the better impression wins
Thank you for acting :)
San Francisco, CA
Name three of Koko's part time jobs/internships
Honey stand at the farmers market, bubble waffle ice cream store, ramen restaurant, teaching assistant, writing center tutor, Fossil, stuffed animal store, temporary worker at a real estate office, summer school music teacher, Make-A-Wish Hawaii, The Bail Project, The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, oboe gigs
What are two things Portland is known for?
What are the eight bear species? English or Chinese is okay. Subspecies don't count!
Sun bear, panda bear, sloth bear, spectacled bear, Asiatic black bear, American black bear, brown bear, polar bear
Both teams must serenade Koko and Kathryn with One Direction's "You don't know you're beautiful." The better singers will receive 500 points!
Thank you for singing :)