What neurotransmitter is most commonly released after using drugs with misuse potential and isassociated with the pleasure center of the brain?
What word describes the amount of drug necessary to cause an effect?
What is the main function of the prefrontal cortex?
Decision making
What is it called when old rags or bandanas are soaked in the solvent fluid and held over the mouth?
What is the switching policy?
It allows the FDA to review prescription drugs and determine if they can be over the counter products
What are some of the main ways drugs are administered?
Sniffing the powder, injecting it into a muscle, smoking, mainlining (IV injection)
What are the psychological effects of anabolic steroids?
Mainly a psychological dependence, other effects include irritability, outbursts of anger
such as “road rage,” mania, psychosis, and major
What are the physical effects of anabolic steroids?
A physical dependence, other effects include increased strength, increased lean body mass, increased bad blood cholesterol, increased risk of liver disease
Presence of food in the stomach, Rate of Consumption, Concentration of alcohol, and drinkers body composition affect what?
What are some ways heroin is administered?
Sniffing the powder, injecting it into a muscle, smoking, mainlining (IV injection)
What are three examples of the therapeutic effects of marijuana?
Three of the following: anti-depressant effect, anti-seizure effect, appetite stimulant, Antiasthmatic effect, Muscle relaxation, or Analgesic effect.
What policy allows the FDA to review prescription drugs and determine if they can be over-the-counter products?
Switching policy
What is the main purpose of drug courts?
The main purpose of drug courts is to focus on treatment and rehabilitation for users, instead of punishment for drug convictions.
How do the symptoms of amphetamine use change when its chronic high dose as opposed to low dose?
With increased dosage, users experience more serious symptoms such as fever, chest pain, convulsions, hallucination, psychosis, distrust of others, and potentially death.
What are the 4 main factors that affect BAC?
Presence of food in the stomach, Rate of Consumption, Concentration of alcohol, and the drinkers body composition.