Elementary Dog Days
Middle School Cringe
Golden High School Years
College Hacks
The Facts of Katie
This is the elementary school Katie attended.

What is Ravenwood Elementary?


This person made Katie's fur ears and tail that she wore frequently during 8th grade. 

Who is Allisa Keeney?


This play is where Katie received her first understudy role as Miss. Burg. 

What is Fame?


This is the college Katie is currently attending.

What is UCM? (CMSU)


True of False: Katie danced for 5 years of her life at DSOD. 

False (Bonus points for guessing the correct # of years Katie danced)


For her 5th grade year, Katie refused to collect crickets on her own anymore for this class pet, causing them to die from starvation. 

What is Ms. Mounts frog? 


This person was the former principal of Maple Park who was famously known to speak in the third person. 

Who is Mr Kooi? 


This is the year that Katie quit orchestra to pursue art and theatre. 

What is Sophmore year? 

This is the concept of the mural Katie painted for UCM's theatre SHIP.

What is Mo the Mule as the phantom of the opera?


This is the nickname given to Katie by Lana that she uses to this day. 

What is Cathader? 


This is the role Katie played within her first theatre production of Annie. 

What is Annie? 


This is final play Katie participated in within her 8th grade year. 

What is game of tiaras? 


This is the song Katie sang within her supporting role of Camilla Rosario sophmore year. 

What is Enough?


This is the show Katie directed at UCM. 

What is A Knock at the Door/ Laugh Out Loud Standup Showcase? 


This person is the troop leader for Katie's girl scout troop 1689. She was also banned from girl scouts for a whole year. 

Who is Mary Marshall?


As apart of the SAGE program, every Thursday Katie would be shipped to this school to learn more challenging material under Ms. Perez. 

What is Chapel Hill? 


This is the part Katie played within Maple Park's orchestra. 

What is Violin 1? 


This is the topic/argument Katie presented for her Gold Medallion project senior year. 

What is Virtual Reality and its uses within eliminating the use of opioids/ traditional therapy? (VR and PTSD/Opioid Crisis)


This is the food/drink provider Katie used the majority of her dining dollars at. 

What is Starbucks?


This is the name of Katie's first pet fish and Katie's first best friend. 

What is Reagan?


During recess, Katie would often dig up a large rock in the playground. This rock was rumored to be this deadly and dark object. 

What is a dead person/ coffin? 


With NJHS at Maple Park, Katie was elected this position after giving empty promises and false guarentees. (Hint: this is not unlike counterpart the US government official.)

What is NJHS President? 


This is the award Katie won at the 2019-2020 Cappies for Chicago. 

What is best lighting?


This is the role Katie played within her first show, The Other Room, she was cast in at UCM. 

What is Talbott the pilot?


Katie broke this bone when she was a gymnast. 

What is the collar bone?