I come twice in a week and once in a year. What am I ?
Act these phrases out and guess them (No talking!)
Pait mein chuhay dorna
What is the name of Shah Rukh Khan in DDLJ
Raj Malhotra
There are months with 30 days or sometimes 31, how many months have 28 days?
All 12! They have 28 but the other 11 go past it.
Act this phrase ---
Bhais kay agey been bajana
Stack 3 stacks of cups (3-2-1), in less than 10 seconds.
Pi_ _ _ _e a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m_ _ _ d_ _ t!
Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost.
M_ _ _ _ bo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!
Mogambo Khush Hua!
The term "Computer bug" is coined from which insect
Moth. A man had found his computer with a moth inside the monitor!
M_ _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _i!
Mere pas ma hai!
Which planet does the sun rise in the west and set in the east.
In the 2018 IPL season, which of these was introduced.
A. LED Wickets
B. Runner
C. Digital Review System
D. Duck-worth Lewis System
E. Longer Pitch
F. Number of foreign players per team
What does SIM stand for on a cell phone
Subscriber Identity Module
Who is the only Chess World Champion from India ?
Vishwanathan Anand
The square hats worn and thrown by graduates are called...
Mortar Board or Oxford Cap
Where is White Sands National Monument located?
New Mexico
What is the color of Octopus Blood?
A. Red
B. Orange
C. Yellow
D. Green
E. Blue
F. Purple
G. Black
H. Clear
E. Blue
According to the Indian constitution, what is the National Language of India.
In reference to human body---What is rakht chaap
What is the middle name of Sachin Tendulkar?
Which animal has teeth in its stomach?
A. Whale
B. Lobster
C. Snail
D. Seahorse
E. Spiders
F. Piranhas
Who is the only Bollywood actress to play badminton at the National Level and is nominated for the title of "India's Most Powerful Woman."
Deepika Padukone
What materials are used to make rupee notes?
75% Cotton, 25% Linen
Where is Lord Rama sausural
Which is the tallest mountain in India?