What to you do if?
Crossing the Street
Greeting Properly Etiquette
How to give instructions

You are left at home and a fire starts in the kitchen. What do you do?

1. Get out of the house

2. Call 911

3. Call your parents and let them know what is going on


What is the first thing you should do before crossing the street?

Look both ways...Left, Right, Left


When you run into or see someone what do you say to them?



Tell me and show me step by step how to tie your shoes?

Must give full instructions depending on which way they tie shoes.

Loop swoop pull

Bunny ears



Billy's mother had five children. The first was name Lala, the second was named Lele, the third was named Lili, the fourth was named Lolo. What was the fifth child named?



What information does the 911 operator need when you call for an emergency?

1. Name

2. Address

3. State the emergency

4. Phone number


Where is the correct place to cross the street, when you are at a busy intersection?

Cross walk


When you are leaving or someone you know is leaving what do you say?

Goodbye, take care, have a good night, see you later are all acceptable answers.


Explain how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. State all the ingredients and silverware needed.

Bread, Knife, peanut butter, jelly

Take 2 pieces of bread spread with a knife on one slice of bread peanut butter. Spread jelly with a knife on the other slice of bread. Put both slices of bread together.


Choose the correct sentence. 

"The yolk of the egg is white" or

"The yolk of the egg are white"

Neither, Egg yolks are yellow not white!


What do you do if someone is choking?

!. Call 911

2. Get help from an adult

3. If you know the Heimlich maneuver do it immediately on the person choking.


What does the Red hand mean when it's  flashing at a cross walk?

Stop/Don't walk


Name 3 that would be considered rude if you said them while having a conversation?

For an extra 50 points state why it is considered rude!

1. Duh- This is rude because you are making the person feel as if they are not as intelligent as you and they should know the same things you know.

2. Relax- This is rude if you are using it sarcastically, making the person feel that their feelings aren't valid and they need to calm down.

3. That's stupid- This is rude because you're telling the person that what they know or sharing is not as good as your information.


Explain how to wash your hands properly. Include all the steps and items needed.

Water, Soap, towel 

Turn on the water, wet your hands, turn off water (to not waste any) put soap on your hands, rub hands together, turn on water, rinse off soap, turn off water, dry hands.


It's light as a feather but the strongest person can't hold it for more than five minutes. What is it?



Describe a time you had an emergency and what steps you took to handle the problem.

Must include details in order to get points!


What does the white man mean and numbers counting down on the sign at the cross walk?

You can walk but have to be aware of your surroundings. The numbers is a count down of how much time left you have to walk, before the cars start driving again.


What body part should be facing a person when you are talking to them and why?

Eye contact- This shows someone that you are engaged in what they are saying and you are listening to them.


Explain how to separate your laundry into piles, for washing?







The more there is the less you can see. What is it?



What would you do if you go lost from your group or family when you went camping?

Open answer must include realistic steps


Your cross walk sign just turned to the "white man" and your about to cross the street when you see a car coming. What do you do, and why?

A Stop and let the car go first, then cross the street if you have enough time on showing on the signal

B Keep walking because it's your turn to walk and the car will have to stop 

A Stop and let the car go first, then cross the street if you have enough time on showing on the signal

Even though it's your turn to cross if a car is coming you must always choose safety first. Then you can walk when it is safe.


If you need to interrupt a conversation or leave a conversation what should you say to the person/people involved?

Act this out for an extra 10 points!

!. Apologize/ I'm sorry

2. Excuse me 


Explain how to do one house hold task that hasn't already been explained in the game.

Examples: washing dishes, dusting, vacuuming etc.


You can find it in Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, but not in Venus or Neptune. What is it?

The letter R