... Smoking of any kind is therefore prohibited inside Kawacatoose First Nation's facilities.
What is Section 4.9, Scent and Smoke Free Working Environment.
In performing their duties, each Employee shall faithfully and honestly fulfill the duties entrusted to them by reason of their employment.
What is the Code of Ethics?
Employee's notice to use Vacation Days
What is twelve days an employee must give when requesting Vacation Day?
Monthly meetings are conducted by Program Managers.
What are department meetings?
Probationary period of employment
What is three months from the date of hire?
All Applicants shall be required to pay their own costs associated with the application and interview process. ie: CPIC, Driver's Abstract.
What is section 2.11 Recruitment Costs
A gift no more than $50.00 value?
What is the amount/value employees may accept as a gift?
An Employee who is absent from work due to medical leave shall accumulate pension, health and disability benefits and seniority during the entire period of their medical leave.
What is sick and/or medical leave benefits?
...distributed through the e-mail system, by paper memos or announced at meetings.
What are ways of communications to Employees.
Employee must sign and date the performance evaluation form as evidence that they have reviewed the document.
What is the completion of the performance evaluation?
Employees are expected to use good judgement by dressing in a way that respects clients, co-workers, and the community...
Section 3.12 Dress code and Personal Hygiene
Kawacatoose First Nation reserves the right to prohibit consumption of alcohol of recreational cannabis at any Band event.
What is Code of Conduct?
Sick Leave credits and Annual Leave do not accumulate during the Employee’s absence.
When on Maternity leave?
The responsibility of the Employee to inform themselves of information discussed at the meeting.
What is the responsibility of Employee if absent from a staff meeting?
An Employee may decide to end the employment relationship. If this occurs, the Employee is encouraged to provide...
What is two (2) weeks written notice to the Immediate Supervisor
In some cases, it may be necessary to set guideline to restrict the activities of the employees.
What is to avoid conflict of interest?
An Employee is entitled to unpaid parental leave of up to 63 weeks to care for a newborn child of the Employee or a child who is in the care of the Employee...
What is the purpose of adoption?
Full legal name, address, Social Insurance Number, occupational classification...
What is information in personal records?
An Employee of Kawacatoose First Nation who plans to Retire.
What is provide four (4) weeks’ notice before the Employee’s retirement date.
The supervisor will be responsible for reviewing the accommodation measures with the Employee on a regular basis to confirm continued necessity and effectiveness.
What is section 6.3 Duty to Accommodate
Wilful damage or destruction of property...
What is prohibited behaviour?
Temporary transfer to another job or position whether within the Kawacatoose First Nation or an outside organization.
What is Secondment?
Employees who are granted access to the personal information of other Employees are required to exercise extreme caution in using such information and must take all reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of such information.
What are safeguards?
Employees will be given the opportunity to review the HR Policy and Procedures Manual in full.
What is the first week of employment?