I am a part of this club that meets every Thursday and Saturday for three hours this semester.
What is the athletic bands?
My favorite type of pants.
What is Flared Jeans!
What is a 2008 Lexus?
My first job was this.
What is cashier at DSW?
These are my top played video games.
What is PalWorld, Sims 4, and Hogwarts Legacy?
I took this many AP's.
What is Seven? AP: World history, US history, Stats, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, English Literature, English Language.
This is my favorite music artist.
What is Bruno Mars? .... "🖐️I love Bruno Mars🖐️"
I took this language in High school.
What is French?
In first grade my hair was in this style.
This is my Starbucks orde
What is an Iced Caramel Macchiato with and extra shot of expresso?
I have been in John Quinn's class this amount of times.
What is three times?
This is my order from Tuppers. (There are 2 acceptable answers) DOUBLE JEOPARDY
What is tofu rice bowl and/or burger with egg?
Coming back home from my senior trip I did this in my drive way.
What is Backed into my dad's truck?
This is the grade i was in when I got my glasses.
What is 6th grade?
If I could travel anywhere I would travel here.
What is Los Vegas to see Bruno Mars preform and the Grand Canyon?
The two classes I didn't get an A in during my time at Bryant.
What is FIN 201 and MATH 122?
I watch reaction videos of this on YouTube.
What is TLC shows and trashy reality shows?
This is why 6th grade was bad for me.
What is depression and suicidal thoughts?
My internship this summer is at this company
What is BC BS, Blue Cross Blue Sheild?
This my second biggest fear that causes me this OCD compulsion. DOUBLE JEOPARDY
What is someone breaking into my home, and locking doors behind me?
I almost went to these colleges there are 4.
What is UCONN, Temple, Binghamton, and Bentley?
I read this type of literature everyday religiously.
What is fanfiction?
I was in the hospital for 2 months in 10th grade for this ailment.
What is Factor V aka blood clots?
I slept downstairs instead of my room because of this biggest fear.
What is bug of any type? Especially cockroaches.
This is my glasses prescription. (+/- 1)
What is -6.5 Right eye and/or -5.5 Left eye?