Synonym for big
Past tense of 'go'
A common greeting in the morning
Meaning of 'break a leg'
good luck
You say this when you want to order food at a restaurant.
Opposite of 'happy'
Plural form of 'child'
How to ask for the time politely
What time is it?
It's raining heavily
You ask this when you need directions to a place.
How do I get to ___?
A place where you borrow books
A word used to describe a noun
A way to thank someone formally
Thank you very much
Meaning of 'piece of cake'
Something is very easy
This is what you say when you need help in a store.
Can you help me?
Another word for 'quickly'
The future tense of eat
will eat; going to eat
A phrase used when you don't understand
Could you please repeat that?
feeling sick
This is what you say when you want to pay for your purchase.
I would like to pay
Superlative for bad
The correct form of 'to be' in 'Maria and Jessica _____ happy.'
How to order a coffee in a café politely
Can I have a coffee, please?
Meaning of 'hit the books'
to study hard
You say this when you want to make a reservation.
I would like to make a reservation