Camper Safety
Westminster Woods

You have one funky smelling camper – You do not think they are putting on deodorant. You should:

a) Tell them they stink.

b) Ask the Speaker to make an announcement at the next chapel about deodorant.

c) Tell the nurse to tell them they stink

d) Go to the health room and get a spare deodorant and quietly and respectfully ask them to use it.

d) Go to the health room and get a spare deodorant and quietly and respectfully ask them to use it.


You notice we are having spaghetti for the 2nd time this week and you want Sonic. What do you do?

a) Sneak away during free time and go to Fredonia

b) Bribe a high schooler with a car into sneaking away for you

c) Call sonic and see if they deliver

d) Suck it up and eat spaghetti with a smile

d) Suck it up and eat spaghetti with a smile


It is the middle of the night and the fire alarm in your cabin is going off. You should:

a) Begin screaming immediately

b) Look for your most troublesome camper knowing they are involved somehow

c) Put in ear plugs and go back to sleep

d) Stop, think, look around you, smell for smoke, and make a decision. Door or window? Help your campers exit the cabin side.

d)  Stop, think, look around you, smell for smoke, and make a decision. Door or window? Help your campers exit the cabin side.


You wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of a camper losing their cookies. Probably in their bed or possibly right into yours. You should do which of the following (MULTIPLE ANSWERS):

a) Immediately throw up yourself because it sounds and smells so gross.

b) Reassure the camper

c) Call the nurse

d) Yell at them because you are tired.

e) Ask for assistance with proper clean up of bodily fluids.

B, C, & E

b) Reassure the camper

c) Call the nurse

e) Ask for assistance with proper clean up of bodily fluids.


When was Westminster Woods Camp purchased?

a) 1967

b) 1963

c) 1962

d) 1968

b) 1963


You see a golf cart parked at the dining hall. No one is around and the keys are in in. You really want a ride what should you do. 

a. walk

b. take the vehicle but drive slowly

c. take the vehicle but drive quickly

d. take the vehicle and hide it for when you need it again

a. walk


I really don't have anything going on right now so I should...?

a) Take a nap

b) Go to Fredonia

c) Spend time with your campers!

c) Spend time with your campers! 


It has just come across our phones that a strong storm is coming and you received a message everyone needs to come to the dining hall. You should:

a) Allow your camper to finish their shower and then come up at your convenience.

b) Ask the other staff members if you can just stay in your cabin.

c) Have the rest of your campers stay put in your cabin while you look for your camper that went to visit a friend at another cabin and then travel all together to the dining hall.

d) Proceed immediately to the dining hall with the campers you have and then check at the dining hall for any missing campers and let someone in leadership (Brian or Diane if available) know you are missing a camper.

d) Proceed immediately to the dining hall with the campers you have and then check at the dining hall for any missing campers and let someone in leadership (Brian or Diane if available) know you are missing a camper.


You noticed that your camper has been favoring their right arm a little ever since the game earlier today. You should:

a) Ask them if it is okay and if they say it is – let it go.

b) Tell them if it is not better by tomorrow that they need to go to the health room.

c) Take them to the health room so the nurse can look at it now and then again tomorrow.

d) Call a girl/guy you once used to date that wants to be doctor

c) Take them to the health room so the nurse can look at it now and then again tomorrow.


Integrity is…..

a. something you should have only when the campers are watching

b. something you should only practice when leaders are present

c. doesn’t matter

d. something you should have whenever God is watching

d. something you should have whenever God is watching (which is all the time) 


What does the term 3's a party mean? 

a) Whenever 3 people are together its a party! 

b) You should always be in a party of three for safety.

c) All parties must happen at 3 am 

b) You should always be in a party of three for safety.


Where should a counselor have a one-on-one with a camper?

a) in the bathroom

b) in the Chapel when there is no one else there

c) top of the OC during dinner while everyone else is eating at the DH

d) in my car

e) in a public place where other people are present

e) in a public place where other people are present

Never be alone with a camper


FIRE!!! There is a fire that has come onto camp and you need to gather all your campers together and get them to a safe place. You take them to:

a) The front gate

b) The basketball court

c) The basement of Louis Lodge

d) The dining hall

b) The basketball court


You are playing in the basketball tournament and a player just came down hard on the court hitting their head. They are unconscious – what steps should you take and remove instructions unnecessary.

A. Carry them inside to a cool place

B. Call their parents

C. Shake them

D. Ask all of the campers to leave the area immediately

E. Ask a staff member to go find the nurse and group leader

Remove A, B, & C

Do D and  E.

(Let your group leader handle any phone calls home about injury)


Which of the following is not one of the camp legends?

a) The Beast

b) The Deer Lady

c) The Alpaca Boy

d) Blue Lantern Man

c) The Alpaca Boy


One of your campers has just shared with you that sometimes they just want it all to end, that they just want to go to God now. You should

a) Think about it for awhile and decide if they are just depressed and don’t really mean it.

b) Deal with it yourself in order not to embarrass them.

c) Leave them in your cabin, go look for a coordinator.

d) Leave them with the rest of your campers and go look for Brian or Diane.

e) Take them to the health room and let the health room worker know what is going on and then immediately locate your group leader.

e) Take them to the health room and let the health room worker know what is going on and then immediately locate your group leader..


What is your leader's expectation from you during Chapel?

a) Be role models: ALL THE TIME.

b) Sit with your campers.

c) Be focused on what is going on but aware of your surroundings.

d) Bring your Bible, take notes, and bring energy!

e) All of the above

e) All of the above


You think there is an active shooter at camp. Where do you go?

a) Storm Shelter

b) Chapel in the Woods

c) Run into the woods and keep running

d) Cabin 4.5

c) Run into the woods and keep running


You see your camper taking Tylenol for a headache at your cabin. You should:

a) Remind them that they need to keep that at the health room and then go to the next scheduled activity.

b) Report them to the camp office to the tune of Bad Boys.

c) Call their parents.

d) Remind them that all medications must be at the health room and accompany them and the meds to the nurse to turn them in and have her document the use.

d) Remind them that all medications must be at the health room and accompany them and the meds to the nurse to turn them in and have her document the use.


Recite the theme verse for this summer. 

is this correct? 


Your campers arrive for chapel and you, being an amazing staff member, find a seat with some of your campers and do a quick head count to make sure all your campers are there. One is missing. Put these in the order you should do them and remove any unnecessary actions

1. call 911

2. Look again and quietly ask some of your other campers if they have seen them.

3. Go back to your cabin/DH looking for the camper.

4. Report it to your group leader 

2. Look again and quietly ask some of your other campers if they have seen them.

4. Report it to your group leader

3. Go back to your cabin/DH looking for the camper.

Remove 1. Call 911


What do we want for the campers every year?

a) All of the things listed below

b) To grow in their faith.

c) To know they are loved by all of us

d) To get hurt in one game only 

e) A, B, and C

e) A, B, and C


What is the rule that if you break it, you will immediately be sent home?

a) No night swimming

b) Sneaking food from the kitchen

c) No bringing Molly or Tiger Lilly into the cabins

d) Not on time for breakfast

a) No night swimming


Your camper just stepped on a broken light bulb at the cabin and is bleeding.

a) You should leave the cabin and go to the health room to get the nurse.

b) Just put a band- aid on it.

c) Report the camper to the camp office for breaking the light bulb.

d) Ask your co-counselor or another camper to go get the nurse.

d) Ask your co-counselor or another camper to go get the nurse.


What is Westminster Woods dedicated to? 

a) The outdoors

b) Brian, Diane, and Kaleb

c) Molly and Tiger Lily

d) The Glory of God

d) The Glory of God