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I Need Help with My Auto Policy.
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What do you do?

Stephanie is calling to cancel her NJ auto policy, but NOT her home policy. She sold her car, what do you do?


Auto Agents: If the Retention Router instructs you to keep the call and the customer has a property policy (H3/H4/H6/FN), connect the customer to the Home queue to handle the cancellation and discount removal.


Nancy was in an accident and her car is totaled so she wants to remove it from her policy. What are your steps?



Sandra is calling to advise she bought a new camping trailer. She said that it isn't worth much, so she isn't worried about physical damage coverage. She is wondering what would happen if it came unhooked or something and his someone. How can she pay for that coverage?

Liability is extended from the vehicle pulling it. 



Nichole is having trouble adding her auto policy to her eService account with my Home policy. What do you do?


We can quickly add it for them...or we can walk them through it as well!


Your power has been out for 15 minutes now. What do you do? Where can you find this info now so you are prepared? 

(You won't be able to check your computer if your power is out!

Customer Response Center > 

  • W@H Tech Issues?

Call your provider and confirm estimated time for fix. If the outage will be for more than 30 minutes, contact your Supv for assistance on getting your schedule updated and next steps. (Virtual Site: contact Supervisor Hotline:  844-428-3625) Remember to submit in the Schedule Update Tracker so your times will be updated on your schedule.


NY Customer: 

Mr ph cld to add a third car to his policy. This vehicle is registered to him and his son, kept at their home address. The other two vehicles are registered between him and his wife. Explain how you take ownership for Mr. Stanton and frame your call. 

Registration Rules - NY - KM1011282

Jointly Owned Vehicle

  • N/A - the Joint Vehicle Ownership Endorsement is not available in NY.
    • Vehicles jointly registered to a Named Insured and a son/daughter must be insured on a separate policy. 
    • The multi-car discount will be applied to the separate policy.


Steven has an NC Auto policy with us and would like to add his camper to the policy. What do you do? How do you respond?

Confirm if he is talking about an RV/Motorhome or a camping trailer. 

Campers and Trailers - Multi-state - KM1010746

Motorhome Coverages - Multi-State - KM1011060


A customer calls in and requests to have his child's vehicle, registered in his name only, listed on a separate policy. What do you do?


You explain that all vehicles with matching registration are listed on the same policy. 

-If the vehicle is owned you can proactively recommend they change reg. at the DMV for insurance independence. 


Name four things customers can do to manage their policies via the LM Mobile App. 


  • View policy, documents, and claims.
  • Email documents.
  • Make simple policy changes (i.e. add driver, change address).
  • eSign documents.

You haven't received Intradiem prompts in two weeks and are concerned because the program appears to be running. What do you do?

CRC Website > Intradiem Issues


Mary called to advise that we took $65.25 off of her American Express card on 8/05/2021. She can see it in her account with them, but they payment isn't showing in her eService account with us. How do you help her?

Misapplied Payment / Cash Locate for Credit Cards Process - Countrywide - KM1010781


Sandra called to cancel her auto policy with us, she also has a home and PLP policy. How do you respond? what are your next steps?

Cancellation Procedures - KM1024951 and manager discretion =)


Samuel called to advise he is going on a STD medical leave at his work and is worried we won't get payments. He is set up for payroll deduction. What do you tell him to provide peace of mind before his surgery?

Payroll Deduction FAQ - KM1028411

What if there isn’t enough money in my paycheck to cover my deduction?

Depending on your employer’s overall benefits policy, we will either accept a partial payment or a $0 amount and then recalculate future deductions based on the total outstanding balance. If we receive two consecutive $0 remittances or payment shortages over $50, you will be removed from payroll deduction and switched automatically to direct bill.

What if I change jobs or go on medical leave?

Contact us to change billing methods. If you do not contact us, you are automatically switched to direct bill after two consecutive $0 remittances or when your employer notifies us. If you are on short- or long-term disability with unpaid benefits, you must select a new pay method until you return to active status.


Are electronic ID cards legally accepted as proof of insurance?


Mobile ID Cards - Multi-State - KM10012378


Stan's policy cancelled for nonpayment and he is not eligible for reinstatement. His policy is pending cancellation in NJ. What needs completed before sending to RW for the new quote?

Non-Pay Reinstatement Guidelines - NJ - KM1011468

Non-Pay Rewrite Down Payments - Countrywide - KM1010431


I am on Direct Bill in Texas, but am concerned I won't have money to pay my bill on time. You told me to set up text message notifications as a reminder! Great advice!

When will I receive this reminder? Is there a late fee?

KM1012968 -
Direct Bill Condensed Non Payment Timeline - Countrywide 

KM1028101 - $15 - 5th calendar day after the bill due date. 


Missy wants to put her 2021 Honda into storage effective tomorrow. She has an NJ auto policy, two cars total. What do you do?

Storage Coverage - NJ - KM1013219


Jonathan started a policy with Geico two years ago and is mad we never cancelled his policy. What do you do?

backdating cancellations


What types of policy alerts can customers receive if they sign up for text alerts? (two/three parts)

eService Customer Text Alerts - Countrywide - KM1012831

  • Policy alerts
    • New documents available: Renewal, Endorsement
    • eSign confirmation

A call comes in and a HH populates in CSW, what is the most efficient way to greet your customer?

 if CSW pulls up the household with the phone number, you can ask for their name and phone number at the same time to save a few seconds.

CRC: Greeting Customers and Call Closures - Countrywide - KM1025201


What is a TPA?


What are TPAs?

 They're used by some of our clients to handle their payroll billing. TPAs allow employer groups to consolidate multiple benefits into a single deduction from the employee's paycheck. They manage and distribute payments to the appropriate parties.


I received an UW cancellation because of my (resident) son's accidents. I am not going to let him drive my car and tell you to remove his policy. I would like you to rescind the cancellation. What do you do?

Underwriting Cancellations and Appeals - Countrywide 




Jonathan asked for comp to be added to his 2021 Dodge last month when he added the car. He is calling back because it wasn't. Comments don't show that he declined this. He is also saying the veh is financed and we should have that as well. What do you do?

Backdating Endorsements - Countrywide - KM1081979


What types of billing alerts will a customer get if they sign up for Text Alerts? (four items)

eService Customer Text Alerts - Countrywide - KM1012831

  • Billing alerts
    • Payment reminder, confirmation, cancellation
    • Payment declined or returned
    • Refund notification
    • RCC expiration

I have an appointment next Wednesday and would like to work Saturday instead. What do I do?

CRC > Schedule Toolkit


Alberta says she can PIF today and ask for her policy to be reinstated. What do you do?

Non-Pay Reinstatement Guidelines - Multi-State - KM1010185

if billing is open - force cancel/ pay balance/ 100% down /xfer

if closed - pay less bill fee or $5 / 100% down/ xfer


Nancy calls because she wants to know how her GAP coverage would work if her car was declared a total loss. She mentioned that she had a $4000 balance on her old lease that her dealership rolled into the payments for her new lease. If her car is totaled, will her GAP coverage cover her entire loan amount?



GAP coverage excludes the following:

  • Amount paid under Part D (physical damage),
  • Any overdue loan/lease payments at time of loss,
  • Financial penalties imposed under a lease of excessive use, abnormal wear and tear or high mileage
  • Security deposit not refunded by lessor,
  • Cost for extended warranties,
  • Carry over balances from previous loans or leases.


A customer is calling to add request a boat policy. How do you determine if they can add this to their home insurance or if they need to go to sales for a Yacht policy?


Watercraft Policy Eligibility Tool


Adriana called because she just received a bill from her landlord for forced placed insurance and is upset she wasn't aware her policy with us cancelled.

You double checked, we have the correct email, mailing address, and phone number on file. 

How can you explain what happened AND add value for her?

Supervisor discretion 

Text message notification is my thought!

Adriana, I am sorry you were surprised with that bill! You're right, forced place insurance can be expensive! I am glad you called right away so we can research what happened and what steps we need to take to get you insured again!


Alberta says she can PIF today and ask for her policy to be reinstated. What do you do?

Non-Pay Reinstatement Guidelines - Multi-State - KM1010185

if billing is open - force cancel/ pay balance/ 100% down /xfer

if closed - pay less bill fee or $5 / 100% down/ xfer