Epic Moments!
They Had A Name?!
Prime Holiday Spots
Big Baddies

The application of this spell spelled the untimely doom of a powerful death knight, but also ended the life of a young dragon in an instant.

What is Disintegrate?


She is a staunch protector of the wilds and yet still serves civilisation, and was on your side as one of the first.

Who is Elise FitzRothcar?


What is Mithral Hall?


This strange, elastic object caused much confusion, but through honesty and good faith gave you the greatest of all magics.

What is the Codex Mutabilis / Book of Change?


It was stolen right in front of you by the Arch-Villain Makaan himself, and he left you shaking in your boots as he left with his prize.

What is the Eye of Night?


The power with which Jah'serva brought down the mighty Felwing with but a single blow.

What is Eldritch Smite?


Her twirling dance through the air belied her skill with a blade as she skewered Black Hand forces by your side.

Who is Inquisitor Abelia Dalkan?


What is King Scalebreaker's Lair?


Of gloom and eerie mystique, this place nearly caused the Frightened condition IRL.

What is the Lost Temple of Lurkwood?


Bringing fire from the sky, their blade set fire in your veins and it took a god to bring her low.

Who is Judge?


In the fane of dark magics, a blessed fist felled the masterpiece with a single blow.

What is Dragon Strike?


He met an untimely end at the hands of a young monk in the undercity of Sundabar.

Who is Larry?


What is the Fane of Drozzamen?


A delish vegetable snack that a certain Warlock got the cravings for.

What is broccoli?


He saved your lives when Sadr the Temeritous had nearly destroyed the Starlight Shroud.

Who is Bedegar the Foul?


In the final charge of this battle, the undead hordes were like chaff before the wind that was Dunstan and his halberd.

What was the Siege of Sundabar?


The brother of Adrik's nemesis Beloril, this Duergar warlord commanded the respect of Dwarf and Azer alike.

Who is Dworic Necksnapper?


What is Hollowlight?


This piece depicts the height of camaraderie, a show of love moving a sullen, broken heart, and inspiring action and uproar.

What is the picture of Thia frenching Cirel?


A powerful vampire whom sic'd a zombie dragon on you, has and dominated Cirel's mind.

Who is Lord Morkai?


This powerful item harmlessly incapacitated a vampire spawn in the depths of the Everlund undercroft for you to execute.

What are the Iron Bands of Billaro?


A friendly drow spore druid in the depths of the underdark. He gave you healing draughts, and Thia discovered the amazing proporties of the Potionskin of Healing.

Who is Dreali?


What is the Everlund Sewer?


An elf wayfinder put on this item and found he couldn't remove it, and he never solved this problem.

What is the Cursed Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location?


Their powers of charisma and subterfuge did not spare them from your wrath when you chased them into the basement.

Who was Barco the Beautiful?