Camp Morning

Should a counselor every put their hands on a camper?

No. The only acceptable physical contact is high-fives, side hugs, fist bumps, or handshakes. NO aggressive behavior between counselor and camper (wrestling, throwing in the pool, shoving, hitting, kicking). 


What type of shoes should counselors wear to camp every day?

Gym shoes


What are the two stations run in the morning before lunch/pool?

Art/STEM and sports


Staff should not use any devices (cell phones, smart watches, etc.) during the camp day. 

TRUE. Counselors are expected to be engaged during the day with the campers. Group Leaders will have and use their phones throughout the day for communication with other Group Leaders and Jenna regarding scheduling, campers, materials, etc. 


List 3 times you might take a headcount of campers.

Leaving the field in the AM, arriving to "home base", arriving to new area (playground, pool), returning to baseball fields for pick-up.


Which device are counselors able to use to take pictures of campers?

Counselors can only use the Park District Camp Phone. No personal phones should be used to take pictures of campers. 


What time should Day Camp staff arrive for work?

8:15 am


You are okay to be alone with a camper at any point. 

FALSE. For safety reasons for you and the child, you should never be alone with a camper. If you ever find yourself in this situation, call your Group Leader ASAP.


How many campers should be in the bathroom at a time?

One camper per stall. Always keep an ear out for misbehavior. 

What should counselors be doing during activities? List at least 2 things. 

Playing/creating/participating, monitoring behavior, ensure safety throughout activity, monitoring materials

BONUS POINT: should be spread out from other counselors


What time do campers begin arriving to Day Camp?

8:30. Drop off is 8:30 - 9:00.


If a camper is making you upset or frustrated, you should yell/scream at them to get them to understand you.

FALSE. When a camper is making you upset, find another counselor or Group Leader to help with the situation. Remember, they are KIDS!


If you need to leave the room for whatever reason, what should you do?

Ask your Group Leader first, then tell any needed counselors. 


What is one thing that can be done prior to beginning an activity?

Check that the space is available, get all needed supplies, 30 second site-safety check


What time should Day Camp counselor absences and PM Camp counselor absences be reported?

Day: 7:00 am

PM: 12:00 pm


Demonstrating activities, art, or games is a good way for campers to understand how they can participate.

TRUE. Some campers may learn best when given visual learning!


If a camper puts their hands on you (fighting, pushing, hitting, sitting in lap/crawling on you, being inappropriate), what should you do?

Assertively tell the camper that they need to stop. Get your Group Leader involved right away. Be ready to fill out a behavior form if warranted.


What should be brought to the pool? List at least 2 items. 

Swimsuit, BPD hat, sandals, sunscreen, sunglasses, first aid bag, lunches (if needed)


What are the counselors jobs during morning arrival? List at least 2 jobs.

Lead a game, check for bathroom/water bottle, sunscreen campers, ensure all campers are invited to join

Campers can sit wherever they want around the pool during lunchtime.

FALSE. Campers must stay within their group's area on the grass. Campers only get up to use the restroom or throw out garbage, AFTER asking a counselor.