What does the R in REAL stand for?
What does the E in REAL stand for?
What does the A in REAL stand for?
What does the L in REAL stand for?
Is this keeping it REAL?
Frank is at the lunch table with his friends. He is laughing and talking to his friends.
Is Frank keeping it REAL?
Yes. There is no rule that you can't laugh and talk at lunch.
True or False:
You can respect someone by talking over them
True or False:
You can Engage in a conversation by only listening to the person.
You should listen and ask questions
True or False:
Using all materials safely can help you be aware.
True or False:
When you learn, you should take notes.
Is this keeping it REAL?
Frank is in class doing a group project and his role is "Researcher/Note-taker." He is letting his friends write the notes, but he is researching the answers.
Are his friends keeping it REAL?
No, Frank should research, and write the notes. His group mates should be doing their portions of the project.
List three ways to Engage.
Look in the general direction of the person you are talking to.
Be nice.
Platinum rule.
No back talk.
List three ways to Engage.
Ask questions.
Be a helper/ be helpful.
List three ways to be Aware
Be safe.
Knowing when others are talking.
Use materials correctly.
Knowing other's feelings.
List three ways to Learn.
Take notes.
Think critically.
Is this keeping it REAL?
Frank is writing an essay paper. His friend glances over and corrected him on some information.
Are they keeping it REAL?
Yes. Frank now has Learned the correct answer, and his friend helped him find it.
Give an example of Respecting someone.
Listening when others are talking.
Looking at the person you are talking to, when you/they are talking.
Give an example of Engaging.
Listen and ask questions when someone else is talking.
Give an example of being Aware.
Holding the scissors correctly.
Give an example of Learning.
When you study, take notes, and try to challenge yourself.
Is this keeping it REAL?
Frank is having some free time after finishing work, but he goes to a website to find unblocked games.
Is Frank keeping it REAL?
No. Frank should have asked the teacher if he could play unblocked games.
Is this respecting?
Frank is listening to the teacher but is looking at his grades on the Chromebook. Is this respecting the teacher?
Is this Engaging?
Frank has been called on by the teacher to answer a question that he knows the answer to. When the teacher calls on, him he makes another comment that is also related to the content.
Is this engaging?
Is this being Aware?
Frank is rushing to finish his project but needs scissors. He takes the time to make sure that he is holding them right before running to his seat.
Is this being Aware?
No. Fank still runs to his seat insted of walking.
Is this Learning?
Frank is writing his own notes and sharing them with his friends. Frank knows his teacher is okay with this.
Is this learning?
Yes. Even though Frank is sharing his notes, he is still writing his own.
Is this keeping it REAL?
Frank's friends are asking Frank over and over again if he will share his answers. Frank knows it's wrong, but they said if he doesn't share, they won't be friends anymore. He does it anyway.
Is Frank and his friends keeping it REAL?
Neither of them is keeping it REAL. Frank's friends shouldn't be friends if they aren't going to be friends if he doesn't share his answers.
Frank should have not shared his answers because then his friends aren't Learning.