When's my birthday?
January 11th
What are my parents names?
Kris & Jay
What hobby do I wish I had more time to do?
Favorite color
Blue duhhh
How many languages can i speak?
Two -- Spanish and English
3 years, 1 month, 6 days hehe
What clubs am I apart of at Carroll?
SNA, Habitat, OAC
Favorite phrase to say
How many times have I been out of the country
Twice. I've been to Canada, Norway, and Iceland's airport. But I will be going out a third time this summer to Bali!!
At what age did I move to my current house?
9 -- summer in between 3rd and 4th grade
What do I call my gay uncles?
What sports have I played?
Dance, basketball, softball, XC running
Favorite season
What kind of nurse do I want to be?
ER or ICU probably. Eventually NP or CRNA
How old was I when I started speaking spanish?
How many living grandparents do I have?
What instruments have I played
2 -- piano and trumpet
Favorite dessert
Cookies, ice cream, or chocolate! I've got a sweet tooth!
What jobs have I had
Babysitter, pool monitor, culinary assistant, playground lead (camp counselor), SI, CNA
How old was I when I started playing basketball
How many first cousins do I have?
What hobby did I have from 5th-8th grade?
Irish dancing and no I won't show you any moves
Favorite place I've traveled to
Norway or Boston
How many US states have I been to?
33 if I counted right