General Information
Rules and Expectations
Cell Phones and Personal Technology
Grading and Academic Programs

What time can students enter the building for breakfast?

Doors open for breakfast at 9:00. You must stay either in the gym or cafeteria until 9:07. First period begins at 9:15.


What are the bathroom expectations at Kellogg?

Go, Flush, Wash and Leave! Remember, only one person per stall! Put your learning log in the black basket during class. Leaving your binder lined outside on the floor during passing periods.


What is the expectation for cell phones, other personal technology (gaming devices,etc.) as well as headphones/airpods?

They should all be off and away all day and kept lock in your locker from 9:15am-4:00pm


How long is each passing period between classes?

4 minutes


When are report cards mailed home?

At the end of each quarter.


Hall passes are not used or given during which times?

Students are expected to be in the classroom the first AND last 5 minutes of each period so as not to miss information. No passes will be given during this period.


How do we get to lunch?



Can we bring our binders to lunch?

No, binders are required to be in your locker during recess and lunch.


Students will receive a lunch detention for each _______ tardies they have.

5 tardies


Where can you or your parents/guardians check on your grades?

StudentVue and ParentVue


Are backpacks allowed in class?

No, backpacks are kept in your lockers just like your personal technology, all day from 9:15am-4pm.


How do you leave no trace at recess?

Pick up trash, don't write on anything and remember your things!


What happens if you don't leave your phone, personal technology or airpods/headphones in your locker?

Your teacher will dial 0, your personal technology device(s) will be picked up and held in the office for the rest of the day. Your teacher will contact home and it will be a stage 1 referral.


What is being tardy?

Tardy means that you are not present at the start of class and you miss less than 10 minutes of the class period. If you are 10-14 minutes late, you are considered "Late After Tardy". 15+ minutes is considered cutting class/skipping.

If you get a pass showing it was an excused tardy, it does apply.


Kellogg DLI students in our Spanish Immersion program take classes in Spanish in what two subjects?

Language Arts and Social Studies


Where are skateboards and scooters stored during the school day at Kellogg?

Skateboards and scooters are kept in the main office during the school day and may not be ridden in the hallways.


What should you do when you are done eating in the cafeteria?

Throw away your trash and clean your space that you ate (table and surrounding floor area.)


Where should you go if you need to contact your family?

Get permission from your teacher to go to the office and ask to use the office phone.


What should parents or guardians do if their student will be absent from school for any reason?

They should call the attendance line by 9am.


Can you be placed in an elective that you did not choose?

Yes, sometimes students may receive electives that they have not selected.


What values do the letters in R.O.A.R. represent?

Respectful, Open-Minded, Authentic and Responsible.


Where should students put their personal basketballs and other athletic equipment in the school?

Personal basketballs and other athletic equipment (soccer balls, footballs, etc) should be left in the bin with your grade number on it in the main office. Don't forget to write your name in permanent marker on your ball!


What happens if a student has multiple cell phone and/or personal technology violations at school?

If cell phone or personal technology violations become habitual (happening many times), a conference will be called to review the personal technology policy with the student and their parents/guardians present and on the 4th violation you will receive a 10 week personal technology contract where you are required to turn your device/devices into the main office to Ms.Maurer.


What do I use for a hall pass if I am leaving and return to the same class during any given class period?

Learning log!


What information is included in a mid-term report?

Mid-term reports only include grades for classes that students are at or at risk of being below grade level standards and are mailed at the midpoint of each quarter.