What it our theme Verse? What does Kenosis mean?
Luke 10:41-42
“Martha, Martha,you are worried and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing thing is needed and Mary has chosen the good part, which will not be taken away from her.”
To learn from Christ and practice emptying ourselves
How did Pope Kyrillos empty himself?
He left his family, friends, work, status, education, safety, and religion to be filled with God and God alone.
Pope Kyrillos lived simply and modestly, refraining from material wealth and worldly status. He focused on spiritual life and avoided the privileges that came with his papal position.
What language was “kenosis” translated from?
In what way did Saint Mary’s role as the Mother of God show her humility?
Saint Mary’s role as the Mother of God showed her humility because, despite being chosen for the most exalted role in salvation history, she accepted it without seeking recognition, fame, or personal gain.
What does it imply that Mary has chosen?
It means there is a choice! You have a choice. I have a choice.
He’s praising her for making this choice, that means there is a personal choice to be made.
She chose that good part, and she received something from Christ
What was Pope Kyrillos known for? What was his focus?
It was never about him, his status, education, honor, or reputation. He emptied himself to allow God to fill and work.
Pope Kyrillos’s spirituality was centered around prayer, personal holiness, and an intimate relationship with God. He spent long hours in prayer and retreat to grow closer to God.
What was St. Paul’s moment of realization/kenosis?
Road to Damascus
How was St.Mary an example of Kenosis?
Traveling to serve Elizabeth, being pregnant as a teen, discomfort, suffering. Doing God's will for her, despite the discomfort she experienced.
Saint Mary is considered a model of kenosis because of her complete self-emptying, humility, and willingness to serve God's plan above all else, especially in bearing the Son of God.
The story of Elisha and the Widow's oil
So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. 6 Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.”
And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased.
When does God fill us? Explain.
He fills the empty Jars/vessels.
He fills however much space we make for Him. Not more and not less.
As soon as I stopped presenting to God an empty jar, an empty space for Him to fill, the oil, His grace which He was giving me for free, ceased.
Pope Kyrillos VI often visited these groups of people, demonstrating his selflessness and care to the poor, sick and needy. Even to those who spoke negatively about him.
What does St. Paul describe his prior accomplishments and focuses as in Philippians 3?
Counted it as “rubbish”
What was the key moment in Saint Mary’s life that reflects her emptying of herself for God’s will?
The key moment was when she accepted the message from the Angel Gabriel that she would conceive Jesus, the Son of God, without hesitation or selfish desire, fully submitting to God's plan.
Our stomachs should not be too full
Our wallets should not be too full
Our closets should not be too full
Our schedule should not be too full
Explain an example of the Pope's humility in Leadership.
He never sought personal glory or recognition, instead focusing on this characteristic of leadership, which involves putting Christ and others first.
St. Paul defined his mission and journey in Acts 9 as being a ______ for Christ?
Chosen Vessel
When people want to give us the glory, what should we say/do?
All Glory goes to God. "It was by God's grace"
What is an example in the new testament of someone that was scared to empty himself? or was sad to do so?
The rich young man was scared to make room. “For he had great possessions."
Jesus looked him in the eye and said, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” (Mt 19:21)
Share your favorite Story of Pope K. What do you learn from it?
What is the defining kenosis that St. Paul wrote about in Philippians 2?
but [c]made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death,
In what ways did Saint Mary continue to live a life of kenosis after the birth of Jesus?
After Jesus' birth, Saint Mary continued to demonstrate kenosis by following God’s guidance, supporting Jesus’ ministry, and enduring the suffering of watching her son be crucified. She accepted God's will, even in the most painful moments.