in which city was the rebbe born in
who was the Alter Rebbe's wife
Rebbetzin Sterna
what are the 2 times we mention המבזבז אל יבזבז יותר מחומש
1.אושא התקינו
2. the story of Mar Ukvah
whats the halacah about a mole[if its considerd a מומ]
if it has a hair or big then its a מומ, if small then okay
which pasuk from אז ישיר do we quote in our gemara
תביאמו ותטעמו
in which cities did the rebbe and rebintzen live after they got married [before coming to america]
berlin paris
name 2 of the alter rebbe 3 sons
1.the mitteler rebbe 2.chaim avroham 3.moshe
where are the 2 places we mention איתקוש הוויות להדדי
1. the makor that the father gets Shtar and Biyah
2. the reason Biyah can be done with a תנאי
what is the הלכה in the case of מינקת שמת בעלה how many months does she have to wait to get remarried?
24 months
what is the connection between beer and a sholom zachor
a woman that drinks beer will have black kids
who was the rebbes teacher as a child
zalman vilakin
What did the Alter Rebbe do to win the war against Napaloen?
He blew Shofar before R' Levi Yitzchok of Berditchiv
List 4 "דאמרי אינשי" in our gemara
1. לפום גמלא שיחנא
2. דמלפי תכלא לא בהתה
3. מימרא דאביי
4. מימרא ד"פ
5. מימרא דרב אשי
what are the 4 Machlokes between Masa Meachasyia and Pumpedisa
1. מפקי ממשעבדי
2. מטלטלין וליתנהו בעינייהו
3. חד מצרא
4. לא אקנו מיני'
name 2 times we mention a king in our gemara
1. when 3 amoraim were sitting at door of the palace
2. the daughter of a king ate an esrog while pregnant
3. Achashverosh/ Ben netzer
how old was the rebbe when the rebbe accepted the nasiyus
who named yud tes kislav. rosh hashanah for chasidus
the rebbe reshab
what are the 2 times we mention "לא תציתו להני כללי דכייל יהודה אחי משמיה דשמואל"
1. 30 days for a child recognizing his mother
2. מחליף פרה בחמור
where is the passuk "ויענך וירעיבך"
the opinion of r' elazar that oinah means food
name 6 of the animals mentioned in our gemara
horse cow camel donkey fox dog chicken snake chick goat scorpion raven
Name 5 days the Rebbe said Kaddish
1. 2nd day of R"H
2. Vov Tishrei
3. Yud Shvat
4. Chof Beis Shvat
5. Chov Av
6. Chof Gimmel Elul
Who are the 2 people who wrote Haskomos on the Tanya
1. R' Zushe Manipoli
2. R' Yehudah Leib Hacohen
quote all the gemaras that we mention היא/הוא נתן אצבע בין שיניה
1. machlokes reb eliezer and reb yehoshua
2. the machlokes bais shamai and bais hillel
3. reb meir about a woman nazir
name all the אושא התקינו
שיהו הבנות ניזונות מן המטלטלין .1
הכותב כל נכסיו לבניו הוא ואשתו ניזונין מהן .2
המבזבז אל יבזבז יותר מחומש .3
שיגלגל עם בנו י"ב שנה .4
האשה שמכרה בנכסי מלוג בחיי בעלה .5
Where in the Gemara were each of the following times mentioned?
1. 50 days 3. 6 yrs. old
2. 4/5 years 4. 11 yrs. old
1. shmuel- about child recognizing his mother
2. r' yehoshua about until when a child can nurse
3. abeyei- the time to start mikra
4. abayei- the time for a girl to start fasting