when was ketan born?
March 7th, 2006
Where does Ketan go to college?
What is Ketan’s dog named?
At what store did Ketan first work at?
New Balance
who’s is ketan’s favorite singer?
Ariana Grande
what did ketan want to be growing up?
A veterinarian
What is Ketan’s major in college?
Biology or Pre-Med
Name one of Ketan’s bunnies.
Apple, Marigold, the other one..
What is Ketan’s favorite movie currently?
what is ketan’s favorite color?
what was ketan’s favorite book series growing up?
Harry Potter
What was the name of Ketan’s school in the bronx?
Santa Maria
What cross of dog breads is Stari?
Golden Retriever + Poodle
what is ketan’s favorite drink?
Matcha or Boba
what is ketan’s favorite game?
roblox or super smash bros
what was ketan really into growing up?
animals or dinosaurs
What is Ketan’s least favorite subject in school?
Anything Math related.
Where did name Stari come from?
Starbucks + Ariana Grande
what is ketan’s favorite kind of shoe?
what is ketan’s favorite meal to have?
what was Ketan’s favorite disney movie?
Princess and the frog i think lol
Name at least 3 sports Ketan has played in at school.
Basketball, Tennis, Swimming, Track/Running
What was the exact day (Day, Month, & Year) did Ketan bring Stari home? If no one gets it closest one wins.
March 5th, 2022
what is ketan’s biggest fear?
what kind of car does ketan drive?