On Campus
MTU's Colleges
Great Lakes
Mining History

This building is the tallest on campus, with 11 floors!

What is the MEEM?


55% of students at Michigan Tech are studying some sort of this, where you can build bridges, buildings, prosthetics, and more.

What is engineering?


There are more than this many program options at SYP!

What is 50?


By surface area, Lake Superior is the largest lake in the world, holding this type of water.

What is freshwater?


This element, which makes up the statue of liberty, was the main element that was mined here in the Keweenaw Peninsula.

What is copper?

The newest building on campus, for biology-based majors.

What is the H-Stem?


If you don't want to do engineering, but still want something similar, there is a general category that you can fall under, that is still science related.

What is science and arts?


These staff members function as RA's of your hall during your duration of the program. If you have an issue, you should see them!

What are the residence counselors / RCs?


This US state has the most freshwater coastline of any US state, all because it borders 4 of the 5 Great Lakes.

What is Michigan?


This mine earned the nickname "Old Reliable" for it's nearly constant profits after it quickly surpassed production of all copper in the area.

What is the Quincy Mine?


SHH! The higher up in this building you go, the quieter it gets. Oh, it also has a coffee shop, too.

What is the library?


Michigan Tech has an area of study for students who want to deal with money, business, or finance. What college would they fall under?

What is the College of Business?


You'll hang out with these staff members for most of the afternoon and evening, doing all sorts of different activities that you can sign up for!

What are the experience counselors / ECs?


Lake Superior drains into this great lake, which only borders Michigan and Canada.

What is Lake Huron?


The Quincy Mine in Hancock has the world's longest mine shaft, measuring this long, with a dip of 55 degrees of decline.

What is 9260 feet / 2.82 km / 1.75 miles?


This dorm hall is the smallest on campus, with only 360 beds available for assignment.

What is DHH / Douglas Houghton Hall?


SYP offers a program where you can build you own computer and take it home with you. A major in this college would be great for those students.

What is the College of Computing?


You'll see the staff members here if you need to take medications, or check in and out each day if you are a commuter student.

What is the front desk?


This island on Lake Superior is so large, that is has it's own lakes on that island!

What is Isle Royale?


In 1848, gold is discovered in the Sierra Nevada mountains, putting an end to the Copper Boom. What was the name of this event?

What is the California Gold Rush?


In the winter, the broomball courts are set up here!

What is Walker Lawn?


The students in this college spend the fall semester of their third year at the Ford Center, 40 minutes south of campus.

What is CFRES: College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science?


Most of these staff members work behind the scenes, and you won't really see them unless there's an emergency, but we know they're always hard at work!

What are the pro staff?


In the late 1600s, French explorers used Lake Superior to trade large amounts of these, which could be made into blankets, rugs, coats, and more.

What is fur?


This geologist of Michigan, who as a building on campus named after him, published a report on the geology of the Keweenaw, which starts a land rush for miners, investors, and entrepreneurs. He died by drowning in 1845, and was a former mayor of Detroit.

Who is Douglas Houghton?