Which three notes of the major scale do we change to create a minor scale (starting on the same note)
the 3rd, 6th, and 7th notes are lowered
When navigating the circle of fifths, if you move to the right we move how many letter names away?
Which note of the major scale becomes the first note of the RELATED minor scale?
The SIXTH note of the major scale becomes the first note of the related minor scale.
What is the major scale formula?
* W W h W W W h *
What Italian term means to go faster?
A sharp lowered becomes a _____ ?
When we move to the left on the circle of fifths, we add what kind of accidental for each movement?
Add a flat for each movement.
The key signature for G Major is also the key signature for ____ minor.
e minor
How many notes are in a major scale?
7 +1
What is the Italian term that means "to hold"
A flat lowered becomes a ____ ?
Double Flat
How many flats does the key signature for Ab have?
4 flats
Bb Major is related to g minor.
What are the notes of the g minor scale?
What are the notes of the C major scale?
What are the two medium tempos?
Moderato and Andante
In order to change the C Major scale into a c minor scale, what are the three changed notes?
Eb, Ab, and Bb
DRAW the key signature for A major
<insert picture of A major's 3 sharps in the correct places>
What are the notes of the D minor scale?
D E F G A Bb C D
What are the notes of the Eb Major scale?
Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb
What are two terms that both mean to slow down?
rallentando and ritardando
What are the notes of the Gb minor scale?
Gb Ab Bbb Cb Db Ebb Fb Gb
DRAW both the key signature for F# and Gb
<insert correct drawing using 6 sharps / 6 flats in correct places>
What is the related MAJOR scale from the f minor scale?
Ab Major (4 flats)
Draw the D Major Scale.
Draw this using a key signature.
<insert drawing of correct D Major scale using 2 sharps in the key signature>
Name, from fastest to slowest, three "fast" tempos
Presto, Vivace, Allegro