For these colleges you do not have to have two years of a foreign language
What is a 2 year college
To enlist means....
To enlist means to join a military branch.
High school diplomas are a requirement for employment.
True or False
False, you can also have a GED, but you must have one or the other
FAFSA means....
Free Application For Student Aid.
This is how you get student loans to go to college.
Name a branch of the military that "Wants you to be all you can be"
This program can get you ahead in life by helping you with finishing high school classes AND getting a certificate in welding, or take classes ahead for work.
What is the Walker LAUNCH program.
You need to have a 2.0 GPA or higher, have good attendance, and be a Junior.
Three requirements for a 4 year college is...
Chemisty, College Readiness Math and two years of a foreign language.
High school grades don't matter if I'm going into the military. True or False
False. They do matter! Your recruiter will keep up on what is going on with your grades even as you are still in high school.
This LHS program allows you to work while you are still in high school...
What is Work Based Learning. This is a class you can sign up for starting your Junior year.
Two standardized test options to get in to college are...
This person is key to your enlistment...
If I have questions on how to apply for a job, I go to see....
Your counselor or Mr. Turner.
Talk to Mrs. Beyer about this one!
If you are interested in doing an apprenticeship for being a lineman...