Literary Devices
Language/Word Choice
Types of Questions
Author's Purpose
Parts of a Passage
Descriptive language that creates sensory impressions (5 senses)
What is imagery?
A variety of language that is different from the standard in terms of pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary
What is dialect?
Groups of letters placed before a word to alter its meaning
What is a prefix?
The reason why an author writes a particular piece
What is author's purpose?
The main idea of an entire work; the statement that reveals what the article/essay is about
What is the thesis?
A broad lesson or message from a story that relates to multiple other texts
What is theme?
The attitude of the AUTHOR toward the audience, characters, subject, or the work itself
What is tone?
Groups of letters placed at the end of a word to alter its meaning
What is a suffix?
The purpose of textbooks is generally to ___________ students about various subjects
What is teach or inform?
The author's central thought about a topic; the topic sentence of a paragraph
What is the main idea?
The direct view of one character that uses words like "he", "she", or the character's name (and does not know the thoughts of everyone in the story)
What is 3rd person limited point of view?
An author's choice of words, phrases, sentence structures and figurative language, which combine to help create meaning and tone
What is diction?
An idea or statement that is fully stated in the actual text
What is explicit?
Articles with clear opinions, like editorials, are often mean to ___________ readers
What is persuade or inform?
Statements that define, describe, or otherwise provide information about the topic, theme, or main idea
What are supporting details?
An implied or indirect reference in literature to a person, place, or event that is familiar (sometimes historical, sometimes current).
What is an allusion?
Factors that affect dialect in literary works (identify 1)
What is geographical region, ethnicity, social organization, or socioeconomic status?
The process or result of identifying the parts of a whole and their relationships to one another
What is an analysis?
Short stories, novels, and plays are often written to ______________ readers
What is entertain, show narrative to?
Words and phrases in a sentence, paragraph, and/or whole text, which help readers determine the meaning of unfamiliar/unknown words
What are context clues?
The way the READER is made to feel when reading a story. This literary element can be conveyed through parts of a story or the author's writing
What is mood?
The subtle presence of a positive or negative approach toward a topic. Approaching a topic from a single point of view that limits a complete understanding.
What is bias?
Drawing a specific conclusion based on what a specific part of the text says or implies
What is an inference?
Pamphlets and instructions are often meant to __________ readers
What is instruct?
The author's method of structuring a text (i.e. sequence, cause-effect, question-answer, flashbacks, etc.)
What is text organization?