A non-native species that enters an area and can cause great harm
Invasive Species
The organism that is consumed by a predator
The biome that has the highest species richness
Tropical Rain forest
This refers to an animal that eats only plants or plant material
An event, such as a storm, flood, or volcanic eruption, that alters the community by eliminating a species or changing the availability of resources
All of the living species found in a particular area
The number of different species found in a community
Species Richness
The relationship between two different organisms in which both members of the relationship benefit
"No two species can occupy the same niche at the same time" This principal is known by what name?
Competitive Exclusion
The relationship between two different organisms in which one member benefits, and the other is neither harmed nor helped
The dying out, or termination of a species
Occurs when organisms attempt to obtain the SAME resources at the SAME time in the SAME location
Anything that is required for life, such as food, water, or light
A close and permanent that exists between the members of two different species; can be helpful, harmful, or neutral
Which group of animals is experiencing large mass extinctions due to habitat destruction
Most of the rainforest is being destroyed to build these types of plantations
Palm Oil
These types of factors determine how big a population can get--even if other resources are abundant
Limiting Factors
Give me an example of:
Sharks and remora
Give me an example of:
Ant and Acacia trees
The relationship between two different organisms in which one member benefits and the other is harmed
What is an Ectoparasite?
Lives on top of the host
M-Mutualism, C-Commensalism, P-Parasitism
Algae living inside coral bodies are protected from predators, and the algae provide nutrients for the coral
What is an Endoparasite?
Lives inside the host
M-Mutualism, C-Commensalism, P-Parasitism
The Cuckoo bird lays its own eggs in the nest of a Warbler bird after destroying a few of the Warbler eggs, and tricks the Warbler into raising its Cuckoo bird young.
M-Mutualism, C-Commensalism, P-Parasitism
Butterflies drink flower nectar while also spreading pollen from flower to flower