I hung on the cross and rose again
This person was swallowed by a great fish
The place where Adam and Eve lived before they were driven out by God
The Garden of Eden
What moses used in his hand that turned into a serpent
A rod
The number of books in the Bible
What is 66?
I built the ark
Who was thrown in a Lion's Den
Where Jesus was born
What God used to destroy the earth in the days of Noah
2 Halves of the Bible
What is the Old Testament and New Testament?
I am called the "The Dreamer" by my brothers.
Who lead the children of Isreal out of Egypt?
The place Abraham rescued Lot from
Sodom and Gomarrah
David used to Kill Goliath
What is a stone and sword?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
What are the Gospels?
I was the disciple that betrayed Jesus
Where God confused the languages
What is the Tower of Babel?
This is where the 10 Commandments were given
Esau gave up his birthright for this
What is stew?
Last book of the Old Testament
What is Malachi?
I denied Jesus 3 times
How long did it rain upon the earth when Noah and his family was in the ark
40 days and 40 nights
Place where Jesus prayed when He was arrested
Garden of Gethsemane
Joseph's brother that had the silver cup placed in his sack
Who is Benjamin?
Longest chapter in the Bible
What is Psalms 119?