The best way to contact the teacher 

What is by email


The official start times for school in the morning and after lunch.

What is 7:40 and 12:40?


This website allows you to see all the teacher's plans for the week, the playdate list, birthday information, and another important information regarding your child's class.

What is Schoology


This time is blocked on our class schedule as a time when students are supported in building skills in smaller groups. They are also able to explore different classroom centers, while tapping into their creativity. There are no new lessons taught at this time so students pulled out for Arabic or any form of SST are not missing out on any new lessons.

What is Empower Time?


The school mascot who encourage students to Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible, and Be safe are,,,

Who is Bubbles.


If transportation will be impacted for that day, it is best to email before this time.

What is 7:15 am


The best time to send your child in the morning and after lunch as it allows your child to play with friends before classes start.

What is 7:25 0r  7:30 and 12:25 or 12:30?


On Ms. Hi'C's Schoology page How many topics / links are there on her main page?

What are 7 links.


This is not mandatory, however when completed at home and returned it gives your child good practice and exposure

What is homework.


This Be encourages students to practice class expectations, such as walk in the class, keeping hands to themselves, etc...   

What is Be Safe.


Teacher should be contacted at least one week before this important event in your child's life.

What is your child's birthday. Waiting until a day or two makes it difficult if we already have other special activities. Emailing a week or more allows the teacher to plan and make sure there are no conflicting activities or birthdays.


Kindergartners have this many teachers in a week.

What is 5. (6 for Arabic speakers)


Using Schoology. The special symbol on the playdate list means... 

What is New to Kingdom


True or False? Emergency contacts can pick up your child without parents alerting the teacher.

False. Emergency contacts are only in case of emergency. Parents need to let the teacher know if anyone other than themselves will be collecting their child.


This Be encourage students to practice taking care of their things and their school. When they return their Green Folder and Blue reading bags it counts as being this.

What is Responsible.


The teacher did not respond to your email regarding a change in pickup/bus. In such cases, parents need to... 

What is contact the front office and ask that the teacher is notified.


This person is an integral part of our classroom. They support your child during recess and throughout the day alongside the teacher.

Who is Mrs. Ine our class TA.


Using Schoology. In Birthday information this is the policy regarding birthday treats

What is keep food, chocolate, and candy at home


This is how often the green home folder should  be sent to school.

What is daily.


This Be reminds students to be a caring friend. 

What is Be Kind."


This is the main form of communication from the teacher. It includes information regarding celebrating birthdays, class schedules, playdate lists. 

What is Schoology.


The school's weekly newsletter is called this.

What is The Splash.


Using Schoology. On the Peek@The Week this is the math Homework for the week.

What is Schoology Math Hw 1-3 , 1-4


Supporting your child in dressing themselves, packing and unpacking their bag, cutting, and doing papers or activities sent home encourages this.

What is independence. This is the most important skill set you can teach and practice at home. It makes a difference how students listen and are able to accomplish tasks in class. 


This Be encourages students to listen to their teacher and friends and to use appropriate words and manners when talking to someone else.

What is Be Respectful.