Escaping Murder
Before Escaping Murder
Ultimate Film Debut
Genetic Override
Replika Deja

Ellie is the mascot of the killing game and also the host. His name is shortened for the animal that he is.

What is an Elephant?

Before Escaping Murder begins with a video chat between Shannon Z'vahl and this character.

Who is Rai Saburo?

The character James, who was the only child of the kg, was killed first and turned into this food item.

What is Soup?


This character appeared as the mascot of Genetic Override and was one of the first NPCs to appear.

Who is Nekoma-kun?


With the surprise of Hisa and Kenji returning in another killing game a little over 20 years after their original, this other character makes a surprise appearance with them.

Who is Wagara Hiko?


Aiju Kumagai was the fake Ultimate Cat Enthusiast and Ultimate Ribbon Dancer. She was also known for a gruesome past of being this.

What is a Serial Killer?


Kiril and Peter were brothers in this kg. Something unique about them is the Ultimates they were training for were matching, hence why these two ultimates were in their record.

What is a Bartender and Barback?

The shape of Kuro's right eye.

What is a Star?


The number of Zeniths. Not what the final count would have been, but the final count of how many actually showed up.

What is Four?


The original owner of Hisa's white coat that he never takes off.

Who is Dr. Keyes Harvey? Who is Hisa's father?


This escape room puzzle is the only one that killed a contestant.

What is The Party Room Escape Room?


Dr Keyes Harvey always knew he wanted to name his future son: Hinote Harvey. However, it wasn't until he met this character that made him change his mind and, in the end, named his future son Hinote Hisa Harvey.

Who is Professor Saburo?


Mari Naomi came in using her Ultimate Acting skills to disguise herself as a whole other Ultimate. The former Ultimate Metal Artist had this fake name.

Who is Veronica VonHagen?


The serum name in Genetic Override.

What is N4N0 Serum? 


This character nearly gave Kenji a heart attack during a cooking puzzle in Chapter 1.

Who is Gideon Addams?


Hisa Harvey is the only character of Escaping Murder that had two fake Ultimates. The first one being the Ultimate Sleeper and the second one being this Ultimate.

What is The Ultimate Drag Queen?


Unique deaths happened in this kg, but one of the most intriguing was the death that was Mary Winters'. This task is the very thing that led to her death.

What is a Heart Removal Surgery? (Pericardiectomy) 


Pixel's original master before Hikaru Shikanji.

Who is William?


Cytosine and Thymine's weapons that they used to put the cast in their place.

What is a Scythe and Sentient Vines?


Vernon ended up being the first blackened. Instead of the motive however, this is actually the reason he committed the murder.

What is the Fear of Dying / Being a Victim to another?


This escape room was known as a difficult one and also nearly killed the contestant: Oliver Vigneto.

What is the First Aid Escape Room?


The event where everyone's family and friends showed was a huge deal in BEM. These are the students/staff members that had their "significant other" show up.

Who is Parker? Who is Fuki? Who is Saburo?


William Rizzo's actual first name.

Who is Enzo?


The true identity of Icarus.

Who is Keita's Dad?


Hisa has kept the extra memory gun that Ellie willingly gave him. He isn't taking the kid's memories, but instead he is taking this from the memory gun.

What are their inner feelings of trauma?