Planes, trains, & axes
On my last nerve
Roll with it, glide with it
A muscle's worth a thousand words
Let's dance

Most movements in life fall into this plane (A), while movements like circumduction of the hip are considered to be occurring in (___B____). 

2 answers

Sagittal; multiplanar (OR multiple planes, all planes)


Name 3 components of the PNS (peripheral nervous system)

peripheral (spinal) nerves, nerve roots, brachial/lumbar plexus, cranial nerves, dermatomes/myotomes


The Concave-convex rule tells us that when a concave surface is moving on a convex surface, arthrokinematic movements occur in the _______ direction. 


convex on concave = opposite


Name the 2 types of muscle fiber types and a basic definition of each (aka what do they do)

Type 1 - slow twitch, endurance based, low peak force, slow to fatigue

Type 2 - fast twitch, power based, high peak force, quick to fatigue


Name an exercise where the pectoral muscles are working concentrically 

Bench press, pec fly


A figure skater leaps into the air and spins around 3 times while keeping her arms and legs closed in towards the body. Her body is revolving around which axis?



Name 3 functions of the sympathetic nervous system

Fight or flight: Pupils dilate, Saliva inhibited, Airway dilates, Heart rate increases, Stomach inhibits digestion, Liver releases glucose, Intestines inhibit digestion, Kidneys release adrenaline, Bladder relaxes, Reproductive system decreases blood flow


Provide an example of an open-kinetic chain activity that has roll and slide occurring in OPPOSITE directions. 

Opposite = convex moving on concave 

ie: GHJ or hip joint, OKC activities

Clapping hands overhead, climbing stairs

Name 2 types of muscle architecture and provide an example of each in the body

Fusiform - biceps, convergent - pec, bipennate- rectus femoris, multipennate - deltoid, parallel/long - sartorius, rectus abdominis


Name an exercise where the hamstrings are working eccentrically 

Squatting, deadlifting, Nordic HS curl/machine HS curl

As a soccer player winds up to kick a ball, they throw their arm out to the side (abduct) in order to stay on balance- the shoulder in this case is moving about which axis?

Anteroposterior (AP) axis


How many cervical, thoracic, and lumbar nerve roots are there?

C-8, T-12, L-5 (S also has 5)

All correspond to # of vertebrae except cervical, which has 8 between C7 and T1 levels


As the shoulder performs external rotation, the humeral head primarily glides ________ but also rolls ______. 

Anteriorly, posteriorly

Convex on concave = opposite


Given the muscle complex below that allows for a weighted bicep curl to occur, classify each muscle into one of the following groups: fixator, prime mover/agonist, secondary mover, antagonist, synergist

1. Biceps brachii 2. Brachioradialis 3. Coracobrachialis, 4. rhomboid, 5. Triceps brachii, 6. supraspinatus

1. Biceps brachii - prime mover/agonist

2/3. Brachioradialis, coracobrachialis - synergists

4/6. Rhomboid, supraspinatus - fixators

5. Triceps brachii - antagonist


During a squat, the rectus femoris is technically working both concentrically and eccentrically during both phases of a squat (lowering & ascent). Why?

RF works concentrically to help flex the hip (even though very little) during the squat, while also working eccentrically while the knee moves into flexion. During the ascent, the RF works concentrically to extend the knee and stand.  


The ankle, or talocrural joint, performs 4 main osteokinematic movements, 2 occurring in the sagittal plane and 2 occurring in the frontal plane. Name all 4



Bell's palsy is a plasy of cranial nerve 7 (facial) and results in facial weakness. Signs of a stroke also may result in facial weakness (drooping). Which condition named above affects BOTH the upper and lower muscles of the face?

Bell's palsy. Stroke will ONLY be the lower half of the face (smile)


As the elbow joint flexes, the humeroulnar joint's arthrokinematics demonstrates an _____ roll, and an _______ glide. 

Anterior, anterior 

Concave on convex = same

Radioulnar joint (radial head and trochlear notch) moves about the distal humerus (capitulum)


What is the difference between isotonic and isokinetic contractions?

Isotonic have changes in both speed and movement; isokinetic remains constant in speed even though the movement changes


During a leg extension exercise, it is normal to feel this type of end-feel at end range. 



Name an exercise that has joint movements that occur in more than 1 plane. 

Examples: push-up, bench press, windmill stretch


Name the 3 layers of protection for the CNS? (general)

Bone, membranous layer, cerebrospinal fluid


During the act of standing, an ______ kinetic chain activity, the hip joint demonstrates arthrokinematics moving in the SAME direction. Why?

The femoral acetabulum moves about the fixed femoral head during the act of standing, resulting in concave surface moving anteriorly on a convex surface. 


Passive and active insufficiency typically occur with two-joint muscles. The hamstrings limiting hip flexion when fully stretched would be an example of _______ insufficiency. The hamstrings flexing the knee maximally, thus pulling the hip into slight extension, would be an example of ________ insufficiency. 

Passive, active


During a prone hamstring curl, it is normal to have this type of end feel at end range. 
