Han Empire
Roman Empire
Gupta Empire
Muslim Empire
Mongol Empire

The Han Empire created a strong centralized system of ruling what country?

What is China?


The Roman Empire's enormous size had always made it difficult to govern. What did they do to solve this problem?

What is split the empire into two parts?


In what country was the Gupta Empire?

What is India?


The Muslim Empire began in Southwest Asia in the early 600s C.E., and over the next few centuries, it spread Islamic culture and beliefs across how many continents? (Name the continents)

What are three continents? Africa, Europe, and Asia


What is a leader in the Mongol tribes called? 

What is Khan?


How long did the Han Empire last?

What is 400 years?


The Roman Empire had economic and social problems. To support the empire and its defense, what did Rome do to the farmers?

What is raised taxes to levels that were too high?


What nomadic group crossed the mountains, invaded India, and caused the Gupta Empire to collapse around 450 C.E?

What are the White Huns?


What is a caliphate and a caliph?

What is a Muslim state and a Muslim leader?


How long did the Mongol Empire last?

What is lasted around a century?


There were many factors that led to the collapse of China.  One key factor was pressure on it’s borders by what group of people?

What are nomadic tribes?


Rome never developed a reliable system for doing what?

What is choosing its leaders?

What two barriers shielded the Gupta Empire from attacking invaders and where are they located? (North, South, East, West)

What were the Persians to the West, and mountains to the North?


The Muslim Empire expanded across many continents.  In what country did Muslims develop extensive irrigation systems, and what crops did they grow?

What is Spain, sugar and citrus fruits 


What are two Chinese inventions that spread to Europe through the Silk Road trade routes?

What are paper and gunpowder?


What deadly disease was brought to China along the Silk Road from other parts of the world that later sparked epidemics and ravaged the population?

What was smallpox?


What group of people entered Rome and sacked the city twice, once in 410 C.E., again in 455 C.E., and eventually overthrew the Western part of the Empire?

What are Germanic tribes?


The Gupta Empire gave local rulers a good deal of autonomy.  What type of system did they create to manage their large Empire?

What is a strong central government?


What happened to the Muslim Empire in 1258 C.E.?

What was conquered by Mongols that stormed Baghdad and killed the last Abbasid ruler?


Mongols had a strong moral code, which they enforced through their own legal system.  What are three things that this code prohibited?

What are lying, theft, betrayal, and defiance of authority?


The last Han emperor gave up the throne in 220 C.E., and China broke into warring kingdoms for nearly how long?

What is 400 years?


What did the eastern empire become later known as, and how long did they last?

What is the Byzantine Empire that survived for another thousand years?


What are the names of the three classic civilizations that fell (as discussed in our lessons), and the correct order of their collapse?

What are the Han Empire, Roman Empire, and Gupta Empire?


How long did the Abbasid caliphate (the third Muslim caliphate) rule, and where did they move the capital of the empire?   

What is 500 years and Baghdad?


What two civilizations were used in comparison to the enormous size of the Mongol Empire, and how much larger was the Mongol Empire compared to them?

What is the Muslim Empire (Mongols are twice as large), and what is the Roman Empire (Mongols are six times larger)?